
Minimal Pulumi program that showcases the use of Pulumi Automation API from within an AWS Lambda function

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Minimal Pulumi program that showcases the use of Pulumi Automation API from within an AWS Lambda function.

Background for this showcase is detailed here: https://justedagain.com/posts/2022/pulumi-on-aws-lambda/

The program provisions the following AWS resources:

  • ECR repository for hosting lambda docker container images
  • Lambda function accessible via a function url.
    • Deployed as a docker container image, with Pulumi CLI installed
    • The lambda handler can run a Pulumi inline program which provisions an S3 static site. A unique Pulumi stack is used for provisioning the S3 static site.


Note: this project assumes the use of a self-managed backend. To set up such a backend see this blogpost and this Github Project.


Ensure that the PULUMI_BACKEND_URL and PULUMI_SECRETS_PROVIDER environment variables are set before proceeding.

pulumi stack init pulumi-on-aws-lambda.dev --secrets-provider=$PULUMI_SECRETS_PROVIDER
pulumi config set aws:region eu-central-1

# Deploy pulumi stack
pulumi up --diff

# Once deployment is complete, lambda function URL can be accessed like this
pulumi stack output url

Once deployment is complete, a POST request can be sent to the lambda function url for creating a static website. It is safe to invoke this lambda in parallel (as long as the name parameter is unique) for creation of multiple static websites hosted on S3.

# Invoke lambda via function url to create a static website
$ curl --location --request POST $(pulumi stack output url) --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"operation": "create","name": "hello","index_content": "hello world"}' 
{"status": "created", "website_url": "s3-website-bucket-xxxxx.s3-website.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com"}%                         

# Access static website
$ curl s3-website-bucket-xxxxx.s3-website.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com
hello world%

# Invoke lambda via function url to destroy static website
$ curl --location --request POST $(pulumi stack output url) --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"operation": "destroy","name": "hello"}' 
{"status": "destroyed"}%