
Algorithms are an essential toolbox for every programmer.

You will need to mind algorithms runtime when you have to sort data, search for a value in a big dataset, transform data, scale your code to many users, to name a few. Algorithms are just the step you follow to solve a problem, while data structures are where you store the data for later manipulation. Both combined create programs.

Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs.

Most programming languages and libraries indeed provide implementations for basic data structures and algorithms. However, to make use of data structures properly, you have to know the tradeoffs to choose the best tool for the job.

This material is going to teach you to:

🛠 Apply strategies to tackle algorithm questions. Never to get stuck again. Ace those interviews! ✂️ Construct efficient algorithms. Learn how to break down problems into manageable pieces. 🧠 Improve your problem-solving skills and become a well-rounded developer by understanding fundamental computer science concepts. 🤓 Cover essential topics, such as big O time, data structures, and must-know algorithms. Implement 10+ data structures from scratch.