
Primary LanguageJavaScript

ACME Corp. Project API Application

This is a Project API Application meant to manage projects under ACME Corp.

The entire application is contained within the server directory.

Running this application also serves a swagger ui under the path /swaggerui. Do add an ENV to switch this off in production if necessary.

Install Application

npm install

Run the app in production

npm run start

Build and run the API inside a docker environment (production)

docker build . --tag=project-api
docker run -p --name=project-api project-api

Run the app locally with breakpoints (VSCode)

  1. Set breakpoints in vscode by clicking on the line numbers on the side in the editor
  2. Run the debugger command
  3. The debugger will pause execution on parts of the code automatically

API Documentation

The OpenAPI specifications of this project can be found by running the app locally and accessing the Swagger UI

  1. Run npm run start-local
  2. Go to http://localhost:8080/swaggerui (Change port number if necessary)

Basic Requirements for Endpoints:

GET '/projects'

  • Retrieves all projects
  • Response should follow OpenAPI specs

POST '/projects'

  • Creates a project
  • See OpenAPI specs for request body shape
  • Project must have:
    • name
    • owner
    • state
      • be either "planned" "active" "done" or "failed"
    • progress
      • be in percentage values
    • participants
      • are employees. See API at https://employees-api.vercel.app/
      • on project creation, not needed to be included in the body.
      • assigned to project via the /assign-participants endpoint
      • must be in the same department as the owner

PATCH '/projects/{id}'

  • Updates a project of the same id
  • See OpenAPI specs for request body shape
  • Endpoint cannot remove participants
  • Project must not violate the following:
    • Must have:
      • name
      • owner
      • state
        • be either "planned" "active" "done" or "failed"
      • progress
        • be in percentage values

POST '/projects/{id}/assign-participants'

  • Updates only the participants for project of the same id
  • See OpenAPI specs for request body shape
  • Project must not violate the following: