Telegram Chores App

What It Does

  • Allows a user to access a chore like (TODO App)
  • Allows a user to schedule chores to add at fixed intervals (e.g. every 6 months add "Visit Dentist" chore)
  • Allows admin to see chores/schedules for a user via an API

Getting Started


Set up .env file

Create a .env file at the project root. The env file should have the following:


Fields that are flagged as compulsory are defined inside environment.ts, and will be assigned to process.env via the dotenv package. Absent fields will be flagged and will cause the application to exit with an error.

Intellisense is provided via the environment.ts file.

Installing Dependencies

Run npm install to install the dependencies defined in package.json

Note that package-lock.json is not being used in the project


Debugging is done via the VSCode debugger. Run the Debug App configuration which is defined in .vscode/launch.json using the "Run and Debug" menu option on the left.

Alternately you can use the shortcut F5 on the keyboard to start the debugging process

For more info see the contents inside .vscode


  • Create basic chores functionality (CRUD for chores)
  • Define and Create scheduling engine
  • CI/CD using Github Actions