
massive debugging added

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

zxc@qwe:~/nort2$ python2 nortbot.py INFO:main:Starting Nortbot v Login? [type yes or press enter=no] raise DEBUG:util.worker:threaded task, target=<bound method NortBot.connect of <bot.NortBot instance at 0x7efcdd5b2f50>>, args=() DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1): tinychat.com:443 DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:https://tinychat.com:443 "GET /api/v1.0/room/token/cancers HTTP/1.1" 500 None [13:23:37:540] Error during request: HTTP error. Status code: None [13:23:37:540] Exception details: HTTP error. Status code: None INFO:tinychat:missing connect args None

2023-11-23 20:30:18,252 : INFO : nortbot.py : 105 : () : main : Starting Nortbot v 2023-11-23 20:30:19,615 : INFO : tinychat.py : 274 : connect() : tinychat : missing connect args None 2023-11-23 20:30:22,463 : INFO : nortbot.py : 105 : () : main : Starting Nortbot v 2023-11-23 20:30:23,584 : INFO : tinychat.py : 274 : connect() : tinychat : missing connect args None 2023-11-23 20:32:00,176 : INFO : nortbot.py : 105 : () : main : Starting Nortbot v 2023-11-23 20:39:45,763 : INFO : nortbot.py : 105 : () : main : Starting Nortbot v 2023-11-23 20:40:39,557 : INFO : nortbot.py : 105 : () : main : Starting Nortbot v 2023-11-23 20:47:36,883 : INFO : nortbot.py : 105 : () : main : Starting Nortbot v 2023-11-23 20:48:12,969 : INFO : nortbot.py : 105 : () : main : Starting Nortbot v 2023-11-23 20:49:27,257 : INFO : nortbot.py : 105 : () : main : Starting Nortbot v 2023-11-23 21:00:21,968 : INFO : nortbot.py : 105 : () : main : Starting Nortbot v 2023-11-23 21:01:04,498 : INFO : nortbot.py : 105 : () : main : Starting Nortbot v 2023-11-23 21:02:29,115 : INFO : nortbot.py : 105 : () : main : Starting Nortbot v 2023-11-23 21:06:50,280 : INFO : nortbot.py : 105 : () : main : Starting Nortbot v 2023-11-23 21:08:49,284 : INFO : nortbot.py : 105 : () : main : Starting Nortbot v 2023-11-23 21:16:18,157 : INFO : nortbot.py : 105 : () : main : Starting Nortbot v 2023-11-23 21:19:37,426 : INFO : nortbot.py : 105 : () : main : Starting Nortbot v 2023-11-23 21:36:42,860 : INFO : nortbot.py : 105 : () : main : Starting Nortbot v 2023-11-23 21:41:18,889 : INFO : nortbot.py : 105 : () : main : Starting Nortbot v


A bot for Tinychat chat rooms.

This started out with some improvements to a few files for the bot in the room I go to. This basically led to a complete rewrite of almost everything.


For a Windows user that wants a bot without having to deal with the Python aspect, I have provided a compiled Windows executable in the Releases section.

It is somewhat based on pinylib-rtc/tinybot-rtc so Python 2.7.16+ is required. It has been tested on Windows 10, Debian 9/10, and Ubuntu 16/18/19.


Requirements.txt contains a list of requirements which can be installed with pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt


Change config.ini settings to fit your needs. Don’t forget to change the default key! Then run nortbot.py.

For a detailed explanation of the different config settings, read through the config settings.

Command explanations can be found HERE.


In order to compile simply run compile.bat, located in the compile folder. You will need the following:

More details about pyinstaller's requirements can be found HERE

Using Pyinstaller

You will need pyinstaller, it can be installed with the following command: pip install pyinstaller

Next, change directory to the directory containing the source code: cd path/to/source/code/files

from there run: pyinstaller --onefile nortbot.py.

2 new directories will be created, build and dist. The dist directory will contain nortbot.exe. Copy cacert.pem and config.ini to the dist directory.

You can now run nortbot.exe!

Submitting an issue

Please read through the ISSUES before submitting a new one. If you want to submit a new issue, then use an ISSUE TEMPLATE. Please use an issue template, they're there for a reason! If you need more help or have questions that are not already answered in the issues, you can join this Discord server.



The MIT License (MIT) See LICENSE for more details.


Thanks to the following people, who in some way or another, have contributed to this project:

