We are glad to announce the release of V6 for Discord Lists! Make sure to read the wiki for setup instructions.
Please make a .env channel for the project.
- Certification
- Vanity URLs
- Enitire front-end
- Bot Automation
- Diverse #log messages (most of them are for staff only.)
- Staff Panel
- More details in bot page
- Search is now available for names, tags and descriptions as well!
- Certification is now built in (only OGs will remember the google form certification lol)
- Discord Lists V6 Bot
- Changed the websites theme into something new and more refreshing! from colors to elements. everything.
- No more templates!
- Absolutely everything from V5.
We are going open-source! Yes, you read it right. We are making the bot list open-source for everyone to dive in and contribute together to make it even better!
In the spirit of free software, everyone is encouraged to help improve this project. Here are a few ways you can pitch in:
- Report bugs or issues
- Fix bugs and submit pull requests.
- Write, clarify or fix documentation.
- Refactor code.
Thanks to the following people for making Discord Lists possible 💝
- @Mastermind (Frontend + Backend + Former CEO)
- @CrazyBotBoy (Backend + CEO)
- @tech commander (Discord API + Frontend + CEO)
- @firefish (Misc + Administrator)
- @Joe (Misc + Retired Developer)
- @Koushik Puppala (Misc + CEO)