
Assignment 1 to create fake passport identity

Primary LanguagePython


A. Introduction As part of our assignment, we were given a task to create a fake passport generator application using Python 3.x, and we only allowed to use libraries as follow:

  • Math
  • Random
  • Time
  • String Application will take several inputs as follow: One string of Authorised User, two strings of first name, two strings of second name, two numbers of age, and one number of year or use current year. Application will have to have validation features to detect each keystroke by user. Hence, user’s input cannot have only whitespace in name without any other characters. Also, application will have to validate user’s input for taking any input for age, application cannot accept any alphabetical character nor any other character for age variables. Application will generate as follow:
  • A pair of newly generated name from four strings from first names and second names.
  • A new date of birth from two age numbers from user’s input and one year as basis for creating an arbitrary date of birth using random function in a given year.
  • A 10-digit ID crafted from two age combination
  • Caesar encryption for generated name and ID and take them in one variable to display in one statement.