
RoboRTS infantry control firmware

Primary LanguageC



RoboRTS infantry control firmware

Software Environment

  • Toolchain/IDE : MDK-ARM V5
  • cube version: STM32CubeMX 4.22.1
  • package version: STM32Cube FW_F4 V1.16.0
  • FreeRTOS version: 9.0.0
  • CMSIS-RTOS version: 1.02

Programme Specification

  • Names of user-defined variables and function should follow Unix/Linux style.
  • Due to real time control task executes in Application/AppCtrl, it is prohibited to use any blocking operation.
  • When blocking is operated in other tasks, time-out period should be set rationally. Be careful of using mutex or other blocking operation in different priority level and frequency. For example, detect_task has lower frequency and info_get_task has higher frequency.


  • All new document should be written in UTF-8 format in case Chinese characters gibberish generated.
  • Document sys_config.h includes all configuration parameters of the whole infantry system and user can change those parameters as needed.

Module Off-line Description

When one of the modules is off-line, user can find out which module is out of work based on indicated light and buzzer in board.

In this project, error warns depend on the priority of off-line modules.

Corresponding states of each module off-line are shown as following while the number corresponds the number of times of the red light flashes.

  1. Remote controller off-line
  2. Gimbal motor off-line
  3. Trigger motor or single gyroscope off-line
  4. Chassis motor off-line
  5. Single gyroscope sensor of chassis off-line
  6. Referee system or PC serial port off-line and the red light keeps on
