This is a module which can be used as an automated databook. Basically if one of temperature or presssure is given, the other properties are given. This is how it works. There are three .dat files which I had scraped from this website, A big thanks to them. 1] super.dat which gives Superheated Data. It stores the data as a dictionary, with the pressure as keys, and a list of lists as values. 2] ptables.dat which gives Saturated Data with pressure, temp, hf, hg, sf, sg, uf, ug as key values. 3] temptables.dat which gives Saturated Data with pressure, temp, hf, hg, sf, sg, uf, ug as key values. By iterating, interpolating, and double interpolating, the different values can be found. One needs to create an instance of the State class and the following functions a] getQuality gives the quality a] getEnthalpy gives the enthalpy a] getEntropy gives the entropy a] getPressure gives the pressure a] getTemp gives the temperature. A simple example. import thermo a = thermo.State(T = 300 , h = 2354) print a.getQuality() 0.7183539797807206 print a.getEnthalpy() 2354.0 I believe this can be extended for a number of thermodynamic processes. Anyone interested feel free to submit a pull request against the repo. Any bugs? Please mail me at Cheers!