
django-uptimerobot is an Uptime Robot http://uptimerobot.com integration for your Django project.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Uptime Robot integration for Django ============

Uptime Robot http://uptimerobot.com integration for your Django project. There is a Python version (https://github.com/arteria/python-uptimerobot) available containing only the Uptime Robot API implementation.


To get the latest stable release from PyPi

To get the latest commit from GitHub

$ pip install -e git+git://github.com/arteria.ch/django-uptimerobot.git#egg=uptimerobot

TODO: Describe further installation steps (edit / remove the examples below):

Add uptimerobot to your INSTALLED_APPS


Add the uptimerobot URLs to your urls.py

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^uptimerobot/', include('uptimerobot.urls')),

Before your tags/filters are available in your templates, load them by using

{% load uptimerobot_tags %}

Don't forget to migrate your database

./manage.py migrate uptimerobot


Use with Python or in Django:

>>> from uptimerobot.uptimerobot import UptimeRobot
>>> up = UptimeRobot(UPTIME_ROBOT_API_KEY)
>>> up.addMonitor("arteria-webpage", "https://www.arteria.ch/")

Use in Shell: (success if return value is 0, null)

cd /path/to/script/
chmod 755 uptimerobot.py # if necessary
./uptimerobot.py monitorFriendlyName=arteria-webpage monitorURL=https://www.arteria.ch/


If you want to contribute to this project, please perform the following steps

# Fork this repository
# Clone your fork
$ mkvirtualenv -p python2.7 django-uptimerobot
$ python setup.py install
$ pip install -r dev_requirements.txt

$ git co -b feature_branch master
# Implement your feature and tests
$ git add . && git commit
$ git push -u origin feature_branch
# Send us a pull request for your feature branch