
Land Registry system uses Blockchain technology that will allow users to securely transit money without involvement of any middlemen.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The proposed system will enable secure and transparent land transactions by facilitating smart contract-based agreements between buyers and sellers. This will streamline the land transaction process and reduce the need for intermediaries, such as lawyers and brokers, thereby reducing transaction costs and improving efficiency

Purpose of the Project

The purpose of the Land Documentation and Registry system using Blockchain technology is to provide a secure and transparent way to store land ownership records and transactions. By using blockchain technology, land registry systems can be made more efficient, secure and cost-effective

Project Objective

  1. To explore the benefits of using blockchain technology for Land Documentation and Registry systems.
  2. To create more efficient, secure, and transparent Land Documentation and Registry systems.
  3. To overcome the inefficiencies, and errors and reduce the chances of fraud in the traditional registry systems.
  4. To integrate this system with existing land registration systems.
  5. To design a user-friendly interface such that the system is accessible to all stakeholders such as landowners, buyer and government officials.

SWOT Analysis



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  1. Avinash Kumar (https://github.com/avinashkumar10)
  2. Medhavi Singh (https://github.com/Med16-11/)
  3. Rohan Chauhan (https://github.com/rohan2266)
  4. Rohit Sharma (https://github.com/Rohitsharma-20)


The project is created by 3rd year student as thier Minor Project, if you have any suggestions or you want to contribute feel free to contact us.