
A personal project for learning MERN stacks.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Potterhead Moments 🧙

Being a potterhead myself, I really enjoyed buliding this project.

What does this app do?

This app will allow potter fans to share thier potterhead moments with other potter fans 🔮

Features ⭐

  1. You can share your memories by filling a form.
  2. That form contains info like Creator, Title, Message and Tags.
  3. You can also upload the picture.
  4. The posts also contains features like "Like" and "Delete".
  5. It is responsive

Screenshots of the application

image pic2

Technologies Used

React, Redux, Node, Express and MongoDB

My Learnings

It was my first backend project and it helped me building skills of MERN stack.

What next?

I am currently working on it's Authentication part.


Images belong to thier respective owner.