
A REST API to execute teuthology commands.

Primary LanguagePython

Teuthology API

A REST API to execute teuthology commands.


Option 1: (teuthology docker setup)

  1. Clone teuthology and teuthology-api.
  2. Add the following to teuthology's docker-compose services.
          context: ../../../teuthology-api
            - 8082:8082
            - teuthology
            - paddles
            - teuthology
            - paddles
  3. Follow teuthology development setup instructions from here.


The documentation can be accessed at http://localhost:8082/docs after running the application.

Note: To run commands, authenticate by visiting http://localhost:8082/login through browser and follow the github authentication steps (this stores the auth token in browser cookies).

Route /

curl http://localhost:8082/

Returns {"root": "success", "session": { <authentication details> }}.

Route /suite

POST /suite/: schedules a run.

Two query parameters:

  • dry_run (boolean) - Do a dry run; do not schedule anything.
  • logs (boolean) - Send scheduling logs in response.


curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8082/suite?dry_run=false&logs=true' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
         "--ceph": "wip-dis-testing-2",
         "--ceph-repo": "https://github.com/ceph/ceph-ci.git",
         "--kernel": "distro",
         "--limit": "2",
         "--newest": "0",
         "--machine-type": "testnode",
         "--num": "1",
         "--priority": "70",
         "--suite": "teuthology:no-ceph",
         "--suite-branch": "wip-dis-testing-2",
         "--suite-repo": "https://github.com/ceph/ceph-ci.git",
         "--teuthology-branch": "main",
         "--verbose": "1",
         "--user": "vallariag"


This section is for GSOC/OUTREACHY 2023 applicants.

Task 1: Run Teuthology & Teuthology-API

Install Teutholology-API by following the instructions above. Make sure to get all the containers running with healthy status and take a screen shot of all the running containers. TIP: In https://github.com/ceph/teuthology/tree/main/docs/docker-compose#readme run TEUTHOLOGY_WAIT=1 ./start.sh so you have time to take screen shots. Submit the screenshots to all your mentors through email.

Task 2: Add unit-test to suite & kill route

Add unit-tests for 2 functions of your choice, 1 in src/services/suite.py and 1 in src/services/kill.py. You should be using TestClient library from fast-api, following this doc.

File a PR tagging the gsoc-outreachy label, please use git commit -s to sign your commits.

Task 3: Create a low fidelity UX/UI mockup

The purpose of this project is to enable Teuthology to schedule/kill jobs through Pulpito, therefore, we need to also add a new widget, e.g., action bar -> form that allows you to schedule jobs, delete button on each runs/jobs. Please submit the mockup by filing a PR to this repo. This task is open-ende so feel free to use any tools (you can even hand draw it).

Again, please use the gsoc-outreachy label and git commit -s to sign your commits.