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Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Molecular Subgroup Prediction in Medulloblastoma

This repo is the official implementation of "Advancing presurgical non-invasive molecular subgroup prediction in medulloblastoma using artificial intelligence and MRI signatures". For more details, see the accompanying paper,

Advancing presurgical non-invasive molecular subgroup prediction in medulloblastoma using artificial intelligence and MRI signatures
Yan-Ran Joyce Wang, Pengcheng Wang, Zihan Yan, Quan Zhou, Fatma Gunturkun, et al. Cancer Cell, June 27, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ccell.2024.06.002


  • Data Preprocessing
  • Tumor Segmentation
  • Feature Extraction, Selection and Classification

Data Preprocessing for Segmentation and Feature Extraction

Data Preprocessing for nnUNet Segmentation

  • Convert DICOM to NIFTI
    !pip install dicom2nifti
    import dicom2nifti
    dicom2nifti.dicom_series_to_nifti(original_dicom_directory, output_file, reorient_nifti=True)
  • Registration (Unify origins, directions, and spacing among different modalities, if needed)
    !pip install antspyx
    import ants
    _ = ants.registration(fixed=fix_img, moving=move_img, type_of_transform='SyN')
  • Other Preprocessing Methods (e.g. skull-stripping, intensity normalization, etc.)

Data Preprocessing for feature extraction (based on preprocessing for nnUNet)

  • Resampling (Resample to the same resolution)
    !pip install SimpleITK
    import SimpleITK as sitk
    resample = sitk.ResampleImageFilter()
    resample.SetOutputSpacing([0.429, 0.429, 6.5]) # the most resolution of the dataset
    resample.SetSize([origin_x/0.429*origin_spacing[0], origin_y/0.429*origin_spacing[1], origin_z/6.5*origin_spacing[2]])
    image = resample.Execute(image)
  • N4Bias field correction
     import ants
     modality_data = ants.n4_bias_field_correction(modality_data)
  • Skull-stripping (Please refer to ROBEX.)
  • Denoise images using non-local means filter
    import ants
    modality_data = ants.from_numpy(modality_data)
    modality_data = ants.denoise_image(modality_data, ants.get_mask(modality_data))
    modality_data = modality_data.numpy()
  • Intensity normalization
    !pip install intensity-normalization
    from intensity_normalization.normalize.zscore import ZScoreNormalize
    z_norm = ZScoreNormalize()
    modality_data = z_norm(modality_data, brain)
  • Other Preprocessing Methods (e.g. histogram, etc.)

nnUNet for Medulloblastoma Segmentation

Quick Start

For inference based on trained model

  • Install PyTorch and nnUNet

    pip install torch
    git clone https://github.com/MIC-DKFZ/nnUNet.git
    cd nnUNet && git checkout nnunetv1 && pip install -e .

    Please notice that we use nnUNet-version-1 instead of current version-2.

  • Create and set workdirs for nnUNet

    Create nnUNet_workdir and three subfolders, please read the documentation of nnUNetv1 for details. If you only want to test the model, you needn't create any files or folds under nnUNet_raw_data and nnUNet_preprocessed. We provide RESULTS_FOLDER which contains trained model's checkpoints. In our colab notebook, we provide the download link and method in the notebook, you can download RESULTS_FOLDER either to your desktop or just to google drive.

    	|__  nnUNet_raw_data
    	|  |__  Task505_MedoTumor
    	|    |__  imagesTr
    	|    |__  imagesTs(optional)
    	|    |__  labelsTr
    	|    |__  dataset.json
    	|__  nnUNet_preprocessed

    Set the environment variables for nnUNet

    export nnUNet_raw_data_base="nnUNetData"
    export nnUNet_preprocessed="nnUNetData/nnUNet_preprocessed"
  • Download the checkpoints

    Please download trained checkpoints via this link. It is a zip file of RESULTS_FOLDER , providing 5-fold trained checkpoints and plans of model architecture and preprocessing.

  • Dataset Conversion

    The modalities of the data should be T1-enhanced and T2. And the two modalities of one subjects should be aligned, with same resolutions, origins and directions. Please refer nnUNetv1 to rename your nifti files. This is an example.

    	|__  Native_001_0000.nii.gz (T1-enhanced)
    	|__  Native_001_0001.nii.gz (T2)
    	|__  Native_002_0000.nii.gz
    	|__  ...
  • Predict segmentation masks

    We use the 3d_fullres architecture of nnUNet. It is a 3d convolution network.

    nnUNet_predict -i [PATH OF TEST DATASET] -o [OUTPUT PATH] -t 505 -m 3d_fullres

​ The parameter 505 is th ID of our experiment.

Training and Testing Pipeline

Dataset and Experiment preparation

Please refer nnUNetv1 for details.


  • Installation and experiment variables are same with Quick Start.

  • Please refer generate_dataset_json to create dataset.json for training dataset.

  • Start five-fold training (3D model: 3d_fullres; 2D model: 2d)

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 nnUNet_train [3d_fullres/2d] nnUNetTrainerV2 TaskXXX_name 0 --npz
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 nnUNet_train [3d_fullres/2d] nnUNetTrainerV2 TaskXXX_name 1 --npz
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 nnUNet_train [3d_fullres/2d] nnUNetTrainerV2 TaskXXX_name 2 --npz
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3 nnUNet_train [3d_fullres/2d] nnUNetTrainerV2 TaskXXX_name 3 --npz
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=4 nnUNet_train [3d_fullres/2d] nnUNetTrainerV2 TaskXXX_name 4 --npz
  • Find best configuration of five-fold cross training (Optional)

    nnUNet_find_best_configuration -m 2d -t XXX –strict


nnUNet_predict -i [PATH OF TEST DATASET] -o [OUTPUT PATH] -tr nnUNetTrainerV2 -ctr nnUNetTrainerV2CascadeFullRes -m [3d_fullres/2d] -p nnUNetPlansv2.1 -t XXX

Please notice that you don't have to make dataset.json for testing dataset.

Feature Extraction, Selection, Classification and importance analysis

Feature Extraction

!pip install pyradiomics
import radiomics

feature_extractor = radiomics.featureextractor.RadiomicsFeatureExtractor()
feature_vector_intra = feature_extractor.execute(image, intra_mask)
feature_vector_peri = feature_extractor.execute(image, peri_mask)

Feature Selection

  • Random forest
    import numpy as np
    from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
    rfc = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=1500)
    feature_importance = rfc.fit(data, label).feature_importances_
    sort_ind = np.argsort(feature_importance,)[::-1]
    reduce_col = [data.columns[sort_ind[i]] for i in range(feature_num)]
    data = data.loc[:,reduce_col]
  • AUC score between feature and label
    import numpy as np
    from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
    auc_score = []
    for i in range(feature_num):
        auc_score.append(roc_auc_score(label, data.iloc[:,i]))
    # in most cases, the larger the abs(auc_score-0.5), the more important the feature
    sort_ind = ***
    reduce_col = [data.columns[sort_ind[i]] for i in range(feature_num)]
    data = data.loc[:,reduce_col]
  • Other methods like LASSO, etc.

Feature Classification

  • LightGBM

    from lightgbm import LGBMClassifier
    # Initialize the LGBMClassifier and set its parameters
    modellgb = LGBMClassifier()
    # Fit the model using the training data
    clf_lg = modellgb.fit(X_train, y_train)
  • Other methods like SVM, etc.

Shapley Value Analysis

  import shap
  explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(clf_lg).shap_values(X_val)
  shap_values = explainer
  shap.summary_plot(shap_values, X_val, max_display=30, plot_size=(20, 8))