

Primary LanguageJava


This is a COVID-19 API data includes : confirmed cases, deaths, recovered, active cases

Click here to download the Jar file
You need also org.json

The data provider



Method Return type Description
constructor(String countryName ) void request all information of the given country from the data provider
static getCountries() HashMap<String, String> Returns HashMap that contains country name and iso 2
public in(String date ) Stats Returns stats of a specific country in a giving date
public between(String date1, String date2 ) ArrayList < Stats > Returns stats of a specific country in a giving date range.
public stats() ArrayList < Stats > Returns all the stats from the first reported case

Stats class

  • Attributes

    • private long totalConfirmed
    • private long dailyDeaths
    • private long totalRecovered
    • private long totalActive
    • private LocalDate date
  • Methods

    • Getters
    • Setters

Example : getCountries()

Returns all countries and their ISO2 code.

HashMap<String, String> countries;
countries = C19.getCountries();
for(String country : countries.keySet())
    System.out.println(country + " " + countries.get(country));


Jordan JO
Tunisia TN
united-states USA
Kenya KE

Example : in(String date)

Returns stats of a specific country in a given date.

C19 Tunisia = new C19("Tunisia");


Stats{totalConfirmed=14392, dailyDeaths=11, totalRecovered=5032, totalActive=9169, date=2020-09-26}

Example 2 : in(String date)

Formatting the output using Stats class

C19 Tunisia = new C19("Tunisia");
Stats stats = Tunisia.in("2020-09-26");
System.out.println("confirmed = "+ stats.getTotalConfirmed());
System.out.println("daily deaths = "+ stats.getDailyDeaths());
System.out.println("recovered = "+ stats.getTotalRecovered());
System.out.println("active = "+ stats.getTotalActive());
System.out.println("date = "+ stats.getDate());


confirmed = 14392
daily deaths = 11
recovered = 5032
active = 9169
date = 2020-09-26

Example : between(String date1, String date2)

C19 Tunisia = new C19("Tunisia");
ArrayList<Stats> res;
res = Tunisia.between("2020-09-24","2020-09-25");
for (Stats stat : res)


Stats{totalConfirmed=13305, dailyDeaths=6, totalRecovered=5032, totalActive=8093, date=2020-09-24}
Stats{totalConfirmed=13305, dailyDeaths=0, totalRecovered=5032, totalActive=8093, date=2020-09-25}

Example : stats()

C19 Tunisia = new C19("Tunisia");
ArrayList<Stats> res;
res = Tunisia.stats();
for (Stats stat : res)


Stats{totalConfirmed=1, dailyDeaths=0, totalRecovered=0, totalActive=1, date=2020-03-04}
Stats{totalConfirmed=1, dailyDeaths=0, totalRecovered=0, totalActive=1, date=2020-03-05}
Stats{totalConfirmed=1, dailyDeaths=0, totalRecovered=0, totalActive=1, date=2020-03-06}
Stats{totalConfirmed=14392, dailyDeaths=11, totalRecovered=5032, totalActive=9169, date=2020-09-26}


Mohamed kramti

Please contact mohamedkramti99@gmail.com with any questions.