- A playground for learning DSA (Data Structure & Algorithms) in Go programming language
3- Bubble Sort
$ medunes@medunes:~/projects/dsa-go$ make test
go run gotest.tools/gotestsum@latest --format=testdox
✓ Insertion (0.00s)
✓ Insertion array with zeroes (0.00s)
✓ Insertion ascending order (0.00s)
✓ Insertion boundary values (0.00s)
✓ Insertion descending order (0.00s)
✓ Insertion descending order with duplicates (0.00s)
✓ Insertion duplicate elements (0.00s)
✓ Insertion empty (0.00s)
✓ Insertion large array (0.00s)
✓ Insertion mixed sign numbers (0.00s)
✓ Insertion more than one element (0.00s)
✓ Insertion more than one element 2 (0.00s)
✓ Insertion more than one element with repetition (0.00s)
✓ Insertion negative numbers (0.00s)
✓ Insertion one element (0.00s)
✓ Insertion random order (0.00s)
✓ Insertion same element (0.00s)
✓ Insertion single negative element (0.00s)
✓ Selection (0.00s)
✓ Selection array with zeroes (0.00s)
DONE 36 tests in 0.081s