
MedXpert is an online mobile and web-based system mainly intended to increase and improve access to health facilities.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A mobile and web-based application that will enable users to view, search, get recommendations on, make appointments with, notify, and set up automation to contact health facilities like hospitals, clinics, and ambulances when needing medical attention.



About MedXpert

TL;DR Video About Medxpert

Getting fast medical attention when one needs is clearly very important, and things like emergency lines, ambulances, and denser health facilities have been used to that end, but while Ethiopia might have and be in the process of implementing those, there has been no exploitation of what ICT could give in closing the gap between those that need medical attention and the health facilities. The prevailing way of getting medical services is to go to a health facility one knows or is told of and make an appointment. And when one needs immediate medical attention one could call an ambulance which could be very far or not the best choice, assuming either the person in danger is conscious and can call, or there is someone else who can. This means that the medical attention given could be inefficient, slow, and, in places where the involved are new to the place, unreliable, and potentially requires outside help. To better this and combat its problems, we propose a digital system that makes appointments faster and efficient and addresses health emergency cases more reliably. The system will allow people to view health facilities, and make appointments. It will show the facilities with their relevant details, enabling people to choose one that has what they need and is also close. In cases of emergencies, it will allow people to launch an emergency sequence they have set up that will get them medical attention and/or some help. Furthermore, it will detect if a person's phone is falling – which could indicate that the person may have a heart attack, seizure, etc. – and if the user is unresponsive, it will launch an emergency sequence (of the likes described above). This would especially help those with health conditions predisposing them to such emergencies.

Installation and Setup

Setting up the Database

First, make sure you have the Postgres database with its Application Stack Builder installed.

  1. Open the Application Stack Builder.
  2. Select the postgress installation you have and click next.
  3. Tick PostGIS Bundle for PostgresSQL under Spatial Extentions and select next. PostGIS will be installed.
  4. Open and login to SQL Shell.
  5. Creating a database and adding postgis extension to it.

Running The Server

First, make sure you have Python version 3.8.10 installed.

  1. Creating and Activating Virtual Environment
$ python -m venv virtual_environment_name
$ source virtual_environment_name/Scripts/activate
  1. Installing Dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Defining Environmental Variables Add a file called .env in the root directory and define the following variables in the following format.
  1. Running the Server
$ python manage.py makemigrations
$ python manage.py migrate
$ python manage.py runserver

Accessing the Admin Portal

Go to http://localhost:8000/admin

Frameworks and Technologies:

  • Django
  • Postgres
  • Postgis
  • GeoDjango
  • Socketio

To setup the backend

How to setup medxpert frontend

Team Members

Team Member Contact
Betemariam Moges Github
Dawit Bezabih LinkedIn
Liyu Mesfin LinkedIn
Michael Belete LinkedIn
Naol Dame LinkedIn