
Redux light weight addon for vanjs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


vanrx is an ultra-lightweight Redux addon for VanJS, designed to enhance your VanJS applications with a simple yet powerful state management solution. Try it stackblitz


  • Zero dependencies: Works out of the box with VanJS.
  • Simplicity: Easy to integrate and use within your VanJS projects.
  • Lightweight: Adds minimal overhead to your application.


To use vanrx in your project, simply include it alongside VanJS.

npm install vanrx


vanrx is designed to be simple and easy to use. To get started, simply create a state, give a name, an initial state, and then you can create as many reducers as you want.

import van from "vanjs-core";
import vanrx from "vanrx";

const [createReducer, dispatch, createSelector] = vanrx("Counter", {
  count: 0,

createReducer("increment", (state, increment) => {
  return {
    count: state.count + increment,

const count = createSelector((state) => state.count);

function Counter() {
  return van.tags.div(
    () => count.val,
    van.tags.button({ onclick: () => dispatch("increment", 1) }, "Increment")

van.add(document.body, Counter());


As you might already know, vanrx is a Redux-like state management library, and it also supports effects for async states. You can create effects by using the createEffect function.

import van from "vanjs-core";
import vanrx from "vanrx";

const [createReducer, dispatch, createSelector, createEffect] = vanrx(
    count: 0,

createReducer("increment", (state, increment) => {
  return {
    count: state.count + increment,

createReducer("decrement", (state, increment) => {
  return {
    count: state.count - increment,

createEffect("increment", () => {
  let timerId;
  return {
    effect: (dispatch) => {
      timerId = setTimeout(() => {
        dispatch("decrement", 2);
      }, 2000);
    dispose: () => {

const count = createSelector((state) => state.count);

function Counter() {
  return van.tags.div(
    () => count.val,
    van.tags.button({ onclick: () => dispatch("increment", 1) }, "Increment")

van.add(document.body, Counter());


vanrx is open source software. It is free to use and modify under the terms of the MIT license.