
Writing tests using Realm Java

Primary LanguageJava


This is ongoing work to mock Realm as much as possible hammering with Mockito, and PowerMockito.

QA: mockingRealm@gitterChannel


repositories {
    maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

dependencies {
    testImplementation 'com.github.juanmendez:Mocking-Realm:master-SNAPSHOT'

Wiki has a basic instructions how to import and use this library

What has been done so far

  • Working with Realm 3.0.0
  • Supporting Robolectric 3.3.1
  • Works with Mockito 1.10.19
  • Works with PowerMockito 1.6.4
  • Have Realm.getDefaultInstance()
  • To track realm annotations, register with MockRealm your tested class annotations based on RealmAnnotations, see demo.
  • If desired, do realm configurations in a dependency class rather than an Android component see wiki.
  • Querying works for around 70% of all methods, more to come in the next phase.
  • Chaining queries
  • Asynchronous and synchronous transactions with RxJava
    • Schedulers for testing use Schedulers.immediate()
  • Support or() for chaining queries
  • Support not()
  • realmQuery.distinct(*), realmResults.distinct() has been deprecated in Realm 3.0.0
  • realmQuery.sort(), realmResults.sort()
  • Grouping
  • Querying against realmResults
  • delete reamModels in cascading mode
  • support also for deleting methods found in realmResults, realmModel, realmObject and realmLists
  • support realmQuery.*Async() methods
  • realmResults.addChangeListener(), realmObject.addChangeListener()
  • realmResults.asObservable(),realmObject.asObservable(), not supporting realm.asObservable() at this time
  • Several features not covered will simply pass, and not perform anything. In this situation, I am going to include a console message with prefix #Mocking-Realm and let you know when that occurs. The same rule will apply for features which I cover partially