
Add Prismic.io content to your Jekyll site

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Jekyll with Prismic

Compatible with jekyll ~> 3.7.0

The plugin is based on https://github.com/CHH/jekyll-prismic


Add the "jekyll-prismic" gem to your Gemfile:

gem "jekyll-prismic"

Then add "jekyll-prismic" to your gems in _config.yml:

    - jekyll-prismic


exclude_from_localizations: ["asset","css","images","js"]

    path: 'en'
    path: 'fr'

    # Your repository endpoint
    endpoint: https://lesbonneschoses.prismic.io/api
    access_token: 'Your access token if the repo is private'
    # Link resolving, key should match a document type in your repo, permalink
    # then is expanded and returned when generating the document’s URL
            permalink: /:lang/news/:slug-:id/
    # Collections, key is used to access in the site.prismic.collections
    # template variable
        # Example for a "posts" collection
            # Query the documents by type (optional)
            type: new
            # Collection name (optional)
            form: news
            # Permalink used to generate the output files. This should match an
            # entry in "links", so documents link to the right output files
            permalink: /:lang/news/:slug-:id/
            # Layout file for this collection
            layout: prismic_new.html
            # Max quantity of items (optional, default is 20)
            page_size: 100
            # Additional queries (optional)
                - ["missing", "my.post.allow_comments"]
            # Order posts in the collection by a fragment (optional)
            orderings: '[my.new.date desc]'
            # Generate output files or not (default: false)
            output: true
            # Limit output to a number of files, useful for large collections
            # (optional)
            output_limit: nil


This plugin provides the site.prismic template variable. This template provides access to tags, bookmarks, and the collections defined in the configuration.

Using Collections

Collections are accessed by their name in site.prismicData.collections. The posts collections is available at site.prismicData.collections.posts.

To list all documents of the collection:

{% for post in site.prismicData.collections.posts %}
        {{ post.fragments.title.html }}
    <div class="body">
        {{ post.fragments.body.html }}
{% endfor %}

Using Single-type

Prismic’s singe-type are a handy way to load documents for things like error pages or site configuration. Bookmarks can be accessed with the site.prismicData.single object. Each bookmark is returned as document, fetched from the API.

Suppose, we have an error document 404.html and a bookmark named errorpage in Prismic, our template would look this way:

{% assign document = site.prismicData.single.errorpage %}

<header>{{ document.fragments.title.html }}</header>
    {{ document.fragments.body.html }}