
SuperTest helpers to test REST APIs.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


SuperTest helpers to test REST APIs.

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Read the source code documentation.

Developed at the Media Engineering Institute (HEIG-VD).


$> npm install --save-dev superrest


SuperREST is simply a wrapper around SuperTest that makes your work easier when testing standard REST APIs and CRUD methods.

const SuperRest = require('superrest');
const app = require('./my-app');

// Create a reusable SuperREST instance with configuration that applies
// to your entire API. You only have to do this once.
const api = new SuperRest(app, {
  expectedContentType: /^application\/json/,
  pathPrefix: '/api'

describe('My API', function() {
  it('should create a user', async function() {
    // The following automatically makes a POST request to "/api/users"
    // (since "/api" is the "pathPrefix" option configured above), and
    // asserts that:
    // * The status code of the response is 201 Created
    // * The Content-Type header of the response starts with application/json
    //   (as configured in the "expectedContentType" prefix above)
    const res = await api.create('/users', { name: 'John Doe' });
    expect(res.body).to.eql({ id: 1, name: 'John Doe' });


Read the source code documentation to know how to initialize and use a SuperREST instance.


All SuperREST does is pre-initialize a SuperTest chain with sane defaults for REST APIs and return it. Its test method does that; it also has create, update, retrieve, delete and other CRUD methods which are simply aliases for convenience.

The following code illustrates what SuperREST does:

// SuperREST
const api = new SuperRest(app, {
  expectedContentType: /^application\/json/,
  pathPrefix: '/api'

// Using the `test` method
const testChain = api.test('POST', '/users', { foo: 'bar' });

// Using the `post` alias method
const postTestChain = api.post('/users', { foo: 'bar' });

// Equivalent SuperTest chain
const superTestChain = supertest(app)
  .send({ foo: 'bar' })
  .expect(res => {
    // Assertions with chai (as an example)

Extending SuperREST

You may extend the class exported by the module to add functionality, namely:

  • Override the test method to extend the returned SuperTest chain.
  • Override the expect method to add standard expectations.

For example:

const { expect } = require('chai');
const SuperRest = require('superrest');

class MySuperRest extends SuperRest {
  test(method, path, body, options) {
    // Add an Accept header to every request.
    return super.test(method, path, body, options).set('Accept', 'application/json');

  expect(res, options) {
    super.expect(res, options);

    // Check a custom X-Request-Duration header sent by the server.