
Simple test suite to demonstrate usage of the Travis CI continuous integration platform

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Travis CI demo

This project is a very simple test suite intended to demonstrate use of the Travis CI continuous integration platform. The index.js file contains a few functions and the tests/unit.test.js file contains a test suite for these functions.



Run the test suite locally

Fork this repository by clicking the Fork button at the top:


Clone the forked repository to your local machine (replacing JohnDoe by your GitHub username):

$> cd /path/to/projects
$> git clone git@github.com:JohnDoe/travis-ci-demo.git

Go into the repository:

$> cd travis-ci-demo

Install dependencies:

$> npm ci

Make sure the test suite works:

$> npm test

    ✓ should add two numbers

    ✓ should subtract two numbers

    ✓ should apply the specified operation to two numbers

  3 passing (10ms)

Enable your repository on Travis CI

Log in to Travis CI with your GitHub account and authorize the requested permissions if asked.

Go to your repositories and enable automated builds for your Travis CI demo repository.

Press the "Sync account" button if you do not see the repository in the list.

Travis CI should have added a webhook to your GitHub repository. Make sure it is configured in your GitHub repository's settings:

Travis CI GitHub Webhook

This means that when you push to the repository, GitHub will notify Travis CI that new commits are available, and Travis CI will trigger an automated build.

Configure the project for Travis CI

The Travis CI Tutorial explains how to get started. In a nutshell, your project should have a .travis.yml file at the root which describes what language it is so that Travis CI knows how to build it.

For a Node.js project like this one, which was developed with Node.js version 10, your .travis.yml file should look like this:

language: node_js
  - '10'

Create this file, then add and commit it:

$> git add .travis.yml
$> git commit -m "Add Travis configuration"

For Node.js projects, Travis CI will do the following by default:

  • Install your dependencies with npm ci.
  • Run your tests with npm test.

Take a look at this project's package.json file and note that a test script is already configured to run the project's automated tests with Mocha.

Push the change:

$> git push origin master

GitHub should trigger the webhook and notify Travis CI. If you go to the main Travis CI page, you should see an automated build appear for your repository.

If you do not see your build appear, go to https://travis-ci.org/JohnDoe/travis-ci-demo (replacing JohnDoe with your GitHub username).

As soon as a Travis CI virtual machine is available, your automated build should execute, run your test suite, and complete successfully.

Commit and push a change to trigger another automated build

Make and commit any change:

$> echo >> change
$> git add change
$> git commit -m "Change"

Push your changes to GitHub:

$> git push origin master

Check the Travis CI page again. You should see a new automated build appear for your project.

With the webhook in place, Travis CI will trigger an automated build of your project every time you push a commit to GitHub.