
Slack Logger

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Medianova Slack Logger

MN Slack Logger is a Python package for logging error messages to a Slack channel.

Getting Started

To use MN Slack Logger, follow these steps:


First, add MN Slack Logger to your project

pip install mn-slack-logger

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MN Slack Logger can be used to send messages of various levels (info, warning, error) to your Slack channel. Here's how you can use it:

from mn_slack_logger import SlackLogger

logger = SlackLogger(slack_url="https://slack-webhook-url", slack_user="Logger")
logger.log("An example message", level="info")
logger.log("An example warning", level="warning")
logger.log("An example error", level="error", error="traceback text...")

For handling long traceback messages, MN Slack Logger shortens them automatically to fit Slack's message length limits.

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Usage with FastAPI

MN Slack Logger can be integrated into a FastAPI application to log messages to Slack. Here's an example of how you can use it in your FastAPI application:

from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException
from mn_slack_logger import SlackLogger

app = FastAPI()
logger = SlackLogger(slack_url="https://slack-webhook-url", slack_user="FastAPI Logger")

async def http_exception_handler(request, exc):
    logger.log(f"HTTP Exception: {exc.detail}", level="error", error=str(exc))
    return {"detail": exc.detail}

async def read_root():
    return {"Hello": "World"}

async def cause_error():
    raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="This is a test error")

This example sets up a basic FastAPI application with an exception handler that logs HTTP exceptions to Slack using MN Slack Logger.

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