
An Instagram clone app made with Flutter and Firebase.

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An Instagram clone app made with flutter and Firebase.



  • Sign In with email/password or google account.
  • Create post with caption and live location.
  • Like posts.
  • Comment on posts and view all comments on a post.
  • Follow users using search.
  • Timeline based on who you follow (using firebase functions).
  • Notifications on other users activity.
  • Activity Feed showing recent likes/comments on your posts and who followed you.
  • See followers/following/total posts count.
  • Edit your profile.

Folder Structure

├───application (State Management code using bloc)
│   ├───auth (Checks whether user is authenticated.)
│   │   └───sign_in_form (Sign In/Register using email/password or google.)
│   ├───post (View post(s))
│   │   └───save_post (Create posts logic.)
│   └───user_actions (Follow, like, comments, profile logic.)
├───domain (All the models, errors and exceptionns that could occur.)
│   ├───auth
│   ├───core
│   ├───posts
│   └───user_actions
├───helper (Get current location.)
├───infrastructure (Firebase related code.)
│   ├───auth
│   ├───core
│   ├───post
│   └───user_actions
└───presentation (UI)
    ├───activity_feed (Main page after signing in.)
    ├───auth (Sign in form UI)
    │   └───widgets
    ├───comments (Comments page.)
    │   └───widgets
    │   └───widgets
    ├───routes (Route handling)
    └───splash (Checks user was logged in or not, display app icon.)

Local Setup

  • To contribute to this project, fork and then clone the forked repository otherwise directly clone this repository.
  • Create a firebase account if not already.
  • Create a new project in firebase.
  • Go to settings and add android to your projeect.
  • Remember the package name you give to your application.
  • Add SHA-1 key by running keytool -list -v -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore in your terminal. When asked for a password enter android. Copy the SHA-1 key and paste it in firebase where it was asked.
  • Download the google-services.json and place it in android/app folder.
  • Now, in android/app/build.gradle file change line 37 to your own applicationId which you gave in step 5 above.
  • In firebase, enable the Firestore Database, and Authentication services. In the Authentication service make sure to add Email-Password and Google Auth providers for sign-in and sign-up features to work.
  • Run flutter pub get.
  • Run flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs to generate build files.
  • Run flutter run to run the app in your android emulator/device.
  • Start Hacking :)

N.B. - The activity feed and notification feature will not work till now by the above setup. For that you need to upgrade your firebase account to blaze or higher to deploy functions to firebase. There is a functions folder in the project for that. Follow these steps -

  • Run npm install -g firebase-tools.
  • Login into firebase using firebase login.
  • Run firebase init functions.
  • Select your firebase project. Then JavaScript, for ESLint you can press N. Don't overwrite any file or the code will be lost, press N in all of them, 3 to be precise. When asked to install dependencies with npm, press Y.
  • Finally, run firebase deploy --only functions.


FlutterShare is licensed under the MIT License, © 2021 Priyanshu Gupta. See LICENSE for more details.