Most Powerful Pokemon

This is an API where you can send a list of pokemons and get which one is the most powerful.

Getting Started

To install this API, follow the steps below:

  • First, simply clone this repository.
  • Make sure that you have docker and docker compose installed on your machine.
  • Go to project root directory and type the command: docker-compose up
  • In the first time you run this command, it will install necessary dependencies but after that it will run the app directly.
  • Now the API is up and running

API Request

If you running this API from your machine then the base url to the API will be http://localhost:3000/api/v1/

Currently there are only one API endpoint.

  • /powerful/find it accept one query parameter pokemons=[comma separated pokemon names] .
  • Sample Request: http://localhost:3000/api/v1/powerful/find?pokemons=ditto,butterfree,bulbasaur,ivysaur,venusaur
  • Sample Response: { "message": "Most powerful Pokemon found", "data": { "name": "bulbasaur", "totalMoves": 78 } }