
An Awesome List of Awesome Hacktoberfest-Related Projects

Awesome Hacktoberfest Awesome

Hacktoberfest is a chance to level up your coding skills and get small goodies in reward. This page lists links to awesome background information and links to awesome contribution possibilities.

Hacktoberfest 2020 logo

Official website for registration and tips on how to get started

Finding issues

Finding a good issue to work on takes time. Here, you find possibilities to ease the search.

Search engines

  • Issue Finder - finds issues made especially for hacktoberfest, also allows filtering by language
  • Hacktoberfest Finder - easy way to find issues to work on during hacktoberfest, including the ability to filter by language and least comments.
  • Up For Grabs - find beginner-friendly projects and issues

Using labels

With these labels, one finds issues to level up his skills in hacktoberfest.

Other awesome lists

Projects friendly to Hacktoberfest 1st time contributors

In case you are an experienced developer, projects have prepared special issues for hacktoberfest. Below you will find awesome projects that have been put notable efforts into Hacktoberfest. They also try to be very welcoming for 1st-time contributors.


(all CSS projects with hacktoberfest issues)

Dart / Flutter

(all dart projects with hacktoberfest issues)


(all HTML projects with hacktoberfest issues)


(all JavaScript projects with hacktoberfest issues)


(all Java projects with hacktoberfest issues)


(all PHP projects with hacktoberfest issues)


(all python projects with hacktoberfest issues)


(all React projects with hacktoberfest issues)

  • Blitz - Blitz is a batteries-included framework that's inspired by Ruby on Rails, is built on Next.js, and features a "Zero-API" data layer abstraction that eliminates the need for REST/GraphQL.
  • Gatsby - Gatsby is a free and open source framework for building blazing fast static websites.
  • Hacktoberfest Checker - check your Hacktoberfest progress. [Source]

React Native



(all TypeScript projects with hacktoberfest issues)

Projects made for Hacktoberfest

Here you find projects that were made especially for hacktoberfest.

Companies participating in Hacktoberfest

Nonprofits participating in Hacktoberfest

Misc resources


Contributions are welcome! Please read the contribution guidelines first. Especially have the motto "quality over quantity" in mind. Hacktoberfest is there to level up coding skills, not the capability to submit arbitrary files to arbitrary repositories.



To the extent possible under law, Matthew Egan has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this work.