BASE Template

You can use this template to create many repositories and have the default microservices at your disposal when developing your webapp.


Follow these steps to make it work for your project

Use Template

  1. Press the green button that says Use this template
  2. Choose Create a new repository
  3. Now give your repo a correct name, i.e. myfirstproject
  4. Clone the project to your development machine

Set your project

  1. Change the .env-file to match your project database name:


  1. Launch your services/contaienrs by opening a terminal within the folder of your project
  2. Write: docker compose up

Available applications

Web app

To access your webapp go to http://localhost


To access your mysql database UI called PhpMyAdmin, go to http://localhost:8000


To access your mail UI called Mailhog, go to http://localhost:8025