
This is the original Code Injector as featured in the February 2012 Being Inventive blog post. This repository will NOT be updated as this code is already outdated. Use it for learnin! An rebuilt and much needed updated version will spin up soon!

Primary LanguageVisual Basic .NET

The Real Very Final Update (10/22/2021)

I received some notifications that a few users were posting on the original Autodesk forum thread in which I started this CodeInjetor project. It would seem that Autodesk has finally taken the time to create a more modern tool that does much of what this does, and more! You can find it on Autodesk's App Store here!

Unfortunately you will need a Subscription / License in order to download it, but Students / Educators can grab that for free.

Though it certainly doesn't mean that this software is no longer needed (for earlier versions or for learning), it does mean that there will be less need for it going forward, which is fine.

Thank you to everyone who has ever posted about how much this tool has helped them to work. I never would have thought that such a niche thing could be so readily used by an entire community, but I'm happy to see that it was helpful.

Until next time...

Keep Making!

Clarification Update! (11/2/2020)

This project has long been mothballed by myself and serves only as a guide to anyone who is in search of some specific answers. That said, there are a few things that have changed in Inventor / Community knowledge that warrent me to update some of the information here.

My previous table of the iProperty names and ID ranges is now out of date. Thanks to the work of Autodesk Community member WCrihfield (who created a new list of Property Names and ID Ranges alongside many other fixes and informative posts regarding Event Triggers), I am updating this Readme with their new values, which are as follows:

Name (Name Shown in Dialog) Property Name (& DisplayName) PropId Range Doc Types Available In
After Open Document AfterDocOpen 400 to 499 Assembly, Part, Drawing
Close Document DocClose 500 to 599 Assembly, Part, Drawing
Before Save Document BeforeDocSave 700 to 799 Assembly, Part, Drawing
After Save Document AfterDocSave 800 to 899 Assembly, Part, Drawing
After Model Parameter Change AfterAnyParamChange 1000 to 1099 Assembly, Part
Part Geometry Change PartBodyChanged 1200 to 1299 Part
Material Change AfterMaterialChange 1400 to 1499 Part
iProperty Change AfterAnyiPropertyChange 1600 to 1699 Assembly, Part, Drawing
Drawing View Change AfterDrawingViewsUpdate 1800 to 1899 Drawing
Feature Suppression Change AfterFeatureSuppressionChange 2000 to 2099 Part
Component Suppression Change AfterComponentSuppressionChange 2200 to 2299 Assembly
iPart or iAssembly Change Component AfterComponentReplace 2400 to 2499 Assembly
New Document AfterDocNew 2600 to 2699 Assembly, Part, Drawing

Please remember that

  1. None of the comments in the code contained within this progam has been updated to reflect this new table of information!
  2. Older versions of Inventor may actually use the old table of ID ranges!

So. That's it! This is likely the last update unless Inventor updates something else and I have to make another update like this one!

Until next time!

(PS: Check out WCrihfield's awesome Autodesk Community Articles here)

iLogicCodeInjector - UPDATE! (12/10/2015)

I have taken some time to fix a few problems that existed in previous versions of the Code Injector. This should now create iLogic Event Triggers correctly across new and old Inventor documents.

Because the Autodesk - Being Inventive blog no longer seems to be updated, this repository will serve as the (new?) home to this project.

Though I do plan on completely remaking / re-imagining the Code Injector in the future, this will be the last update that this particular iteration receives.

As always, I have included all of the code files / Visual Studios solution for everyone who wants to learn the deeper mysteries of how iLogic Event Triggers are being created, or who just wants to laugh at my terrible 'Fisher Price - My First Software' code.

If you're just interested in the updated executable (.exe) go here, and then click on the 'View Raw' link in the center of the page. It should start the download.

List of Changes

1. Fixed an error that would occur when the iProperty Set that contains Event Trigger information was formatted differently using the original (old) format, subsequently hiding itself from Inventor.

2. Fixed the anchors on the applications main dialog box to prevent buttons from drifting into the text editing area.

3. Corrected the value for iProperties controlling the On Drawing View event triggers.

Special Thanks

Special thanks to Bob Van der Donck and the crew (defunct or not) over at beinginventive.typepad.com. He made some wonderful contributions to this project after its initial debut, and was the person responsible for sparking the initial idea in the first place.
