
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Game Written in Python Modeled After Classic Interactive Fiction or Text Adventures, with A relatively simple to use, reusable core engine that is config driven. Json files loaded to create rooms, items, characters, conversations etc.

Game Initialization

The program starts by loading the game objects (rooms, items, containers, player etc.) into memory using the texticular.game_loader module

It does this by calling the function load_game_map() which takes in a parameter of a manifest.json file

This manifest.json file contains the pointers to the files that should be loaded into memory so objects are in the correct state

The default files are "newGameItems.json" and "newGameMap.json" The items and rooms are deserialized from json and game objects are constructed and put into a gamemap dictionary at the moment this gamemap contains three major keys items, containers, and rooms

We also load the player from the game_loader by calling the "load_player" method (this needs work as it's currently just hard coded and needs to deserialize the player from json)

The last thing we do from the game_loader module As part of the game intialization is call a function to atach custom actions to items "wire_item_action_funcs"

The way this works is:

Lastly before starting the main game loop we create an instance of the controller class

The Command Parser:

A Parser is a software program that performs lexical analysis. Lexical analysis is the process of separating a stream of characters into different words, which in computer science we call 'tokens' . When you read my answer you are performing the lexical operation of breaking the string of text at the space characters into multiple words.

A Parser is part of a compiler that converts the statements in code into various categories of like key words,constants, variable etc jus like identifying parts of speech in a sentence and produce token (each converted unit is called as a token )

A Parser goes one level further than the lexer and takes the tokens produced by the lexer and tries to determine if proper sentences have been formed. Parsers work at the grammatical level, lexers work at the word level.

A Parser defines rules of grammar for these tokens and determines whether these statements are semantically correct

Parser example sentences:

Player should be able to type basic commands to interact with environment or move from room to room and navigate the map. Examples:

Go North
Go to the South
Go To the Kitchen
Hide under the Bed
Pick up the green apple
put the pocket change in the vending machine
Use the vending machine
Ask the Magic Eight ball a question
open the drawer and put the pocket change inside
put the pocket change in the drawer
use the phone
talk to Fred
Attack the Cobra with the sword
Put on the Scuba Suit
Show the Chicken to Larry
Pick up the Coins
Buy the dog treats
Take the Key
Open the Drawer

The verbs or actions such as "Pick Up" or "Open" will be pre-defined by the engine. The nouns or objects are defined at runtime in the games config files.

The Handler/Game Controller

The Main Game loop

The basic game loop is this

Receive input as series of simple typed commands from the player The Parser processes each of those commands and determines if they are valid (meaning they consist of at the very least a known verb, usually a direct object and optionally an indirect object)

If the command is valid it is passed off to the controller which: performs the actions triggers any events updates the clock

The results of the turn get sent back to the player as output

The main gameplay consists of navigating "rooms" which contain contextual actions that can be triggered as well as objects inside the rooms that also have their own set of contextual verb interactions. There are also other characters that can be talked to which initializes a dialogue that may have side effects triggering other actions (such as making changes to a room, or yielding a new item that can be used) The purpose of all this is to solve a puzzle. Navigating the rooms themselves to achieve some goal is the root of the gameplay. The simplest example of this being a lock and key puzzle. Their is also a simple currency and shop system that gets incorporated into the puzzle solving.

Game Eelements

The UI

The initial UI is just console based and outputs text data. This may change in the future to use flask or Textual and/or
include other elements/sub-divisions of the screen to show hp, inentory, current objectives etc.

The Player Character:

Player should have an inventory that can be inspected They Player has the following attributes HP HPoo Sex Age Wearing

Rooms - The main building block of the game:

Environment descriptions can change depending on where the player is in the game How many times the room has been visited Special events that may change the description of a room Player state Can Contain puzzles Events (Discussed Below) Rooms contain exits that may be locked (but can be unlocked with the proper key)


Items can be simple or have slots that can contain other items (i.e. containers or other special cases) Some items can be combined to form new items

containers can be locked and unlocked with the proper key


NPC's have their own inventory and can give items or items can potentially be stolen or looted under the right conditions


references : https://github.com/JonathanMurray/dialog-tree-py Player should be able to talk to NPC's and trigger Dialogue scenes: "Talk to hotel clerk" Triggers Dialogue Sequence: Dialogue Sequences are special events that use directed graph where a player makes choices similar to how you would in an rpg

Dialogue choices can trigger results (I.E. Get an item, Game over, Unlock a door, Get into a fight)


Timed events or other external triggers can change the game environment NPC's, or Time running out/turns running out

Rooms can have events Items can have events (I.E combining two items together, placing an item in a pedestal, taking an item etc. triggers an event) Dialogue can Trigger an Event Player Interactions with the environment can Trigger Events


A Shop or bartering system where the currency can be defined in the config I.E. pop caps instead of coins A shop interface where players buy and potentially sell items

Saving and Loading A Game:

Need to be able to save and load game and resume where you left off Each class knows how to serialize and deserialize itself to json


To be defined.... But should look a little like/ be inspired by the "Play Some Interactive Fiction.pdf" in the Reference/Documents folder.

Important Classes







About Actions