
[0.50.0-SNAPSHOT] Multi-Target GUI selector not retaining that the player clicks "Show Details"

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megamek.MegaMek.initializeLogging( - Starting MegaMek v0.50.0-SNAPSHOT
Build Date: 2024-08-14T01:19:23.017778387
Today: 2024-08-19
Origin Project: MekHQ
Java Vendor: Eclipse Adoptium
Java Version: 17.0.6
Platform: Windows 10 10.0 (amd64)
System Locale: en_US
Total memory available to MegaMek: 8 GB
MM Code Revision: 73b326a
MML Code Revision: fc321e451b068ba6292e43ecc1f6ce80345d79cb
MHQ Code Revision: 97bfe2272ed3dd97837249f987f8617facdf82ac


When clicking a hex with multiple targets (such as a mech standing on a building) and you click "show Details" the game is no longer remembering your selection, so if you click it again it will default back to NOT showing details every time. Previous behavior would remember the previous selection so you would only need to click the button once per game.

It does remember the size of the window after show details was selected but does not remember that show details was selected.

Initial selection:

Clicked show details:

Clicked away and then back to the same target:
