
RFE: Improve graphical and text display for firing to help track which target is firing at which target

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After stepping away, I came back to find myself uncertain of which mech was firing at what target. This could also happen after a reload of a save etc, and primarily occurs in close combat conditions due to the way the indicator fades in.

At a glance, it is very hard to tell which of my 'mechs have fired, and what they have fired at, with the grey 'move' arrows closely matching the fading-in arrow that connects shooter to target as seen here.

I suggest a graphical and UI upgrade that allows for quick 'at a glance' confirmation for 'has this mech fired?' - perhaps an indicator above or below the Armor/Structure/TMM/Movement monitor bars that resembles a lock on symbol or crosshair. If you select an already fired unit using this indicator, you could potentially see the target(s) it has fired on as highlighted/showing in the target selection box on the left in this screenshot.

I have created a crude MS Paint mockup to demonstrate the added clarity it may provide.