
[RFE] - Display Quirk Point Costs, and Balance

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On Quirk page, display a parenthetical with the cost next to the name. e.g.
Battlefiist (LA) (+1)
Battle Computer (+5)
Difficult Ejection (-1)

Same for individual weapon quirks.

On the bottom, display a Quirk Balance. e.g. Qirk Balance: 0.

I think 0 should be "normal" color and anything +1 or higher should appear red and anything -1 or lower should appear green.

Optional: (less sure about these - could make these self-enforcing and just not worry about any of the below. Tricky because the canon mechs are rarely balanced.

Mech should show as invalid if the the number is +1 or higher (because its unbalanced). (Not sure about this).
When saving, should give you the "Invaild" warning with a note for canon mechs, something like:

This unit is invalid for the reasons listed below!:

Unbalanced Quirks (**Note many canon chassis are unbalanced by design):
Non-Standard Parts (-1)
Improved Targeting (Short) (+3)



And finally - and super optional - I dont know if this is touchable or if it will effect record sheet printing, but the Quirk Balance display on the TRO view of the unit would nice. I dont play tabletop so dont know how this would go over in the community, but for MM/MHQ purposes (and Discord) at least would be helpful for viewing mechs.


Thank you.