
vscode extension for highlight bocks of code with regex

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Blocks-Highlighter allows you to add blocks highlights with custom color. The beginning and the ending of the block defined by regular expressions. Extension created especially to use with ifdef-loader but useful in any other cases.

blocks-highlighter screenshot

Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings:

  • blockshighlighter.blocks:
   "blockshighlighter.blocks": [
      "fileType": "\\.js$",
      "begin": "^\\s*///\\s*#if EDITOR\\s*$",
      "end": "^\\s*///\\s*#endif\\s*$",
      "decorationRenderOptions": {
        "isWholeLine": true,
        "backgroundColor": "rgba(0,100,255,0.08)"
      "fileType": "\\.js$",
      "begin": "^\\s*///\\s*#if DEBUG\\s*$",
      "end": "^\\s*///\\s*#endif\\s*$",
      "decorationRenderOptions": {
        "isWholeLine": true,
        "backgroundColor": "rgba(0,255,100,0.08)"

To make single line blocks - just omit "end" RegExp of make it equal ot "begin" RegExp.