
nodejs SDK for Russian ai code cup. CodeWizards

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#About js-cgdk - is a javascript language package for Russia Ai Code Cup 2016. You can read about contest here http://russianaicup.ru/

#How to use

  1. Download js-cgdk folder to any where on your computer.

  2. Download debug tool 'localRunner' here: http://russianaicup.ru/p/localrunner

  3. Install nodejs runtime 6.9.1 https://nodejs.org/en/

  4. Edit 'move' function in '/my-strategy.js' file as you want to tur it in to powerful AI.

  5. Launch localRunner by double click on local-runner-sync.bat

  6. Launch your strategy by double click on run.bat file.

  7. If everything ok, upload your '/my-strategy.js' file here http://russianaicup.ru/submit

#Pull requests and issues I had only a couple of days to make this package, please be patient with any errors you'll found. Please use this page to report about any mistakes: https://github.com/Megabyteceer/js-cgdk/issues

#launch arguments

nodejs runner.js hostname[default:""] port[default:"31001"] auth_id[default:"0000000000000000"] path-to-strategy[default:"./my-strategy.js"]

#how to debug You can start you strategy in browser with dew-tools you prefer:

  1. launch install-visual-debugger.bat to download modules;
  2. start localRunner;
  3. launch debug-visual.bat; New page should be opened and draw battle. You can open dev-tools (press F-12) and break/debug you strategy source file. To customize drawing edit file test/public/js/draw-utils.js

#License MIT