Test Scenario: Dating Analysis


You work for a dating app company. Your goal is to analyze user behavior, preferences, and engagement patterns to provide insights into matching efficiency and user satisfaction.


  1. Connect the data: Examine the datasets provided, identify relationships, and clean/transform the data as needed.
  2. Analyze and extract insights: Generate new metrics to better understand user engagement and preferences.
  3. Visualize the insights: Use Tableau (or your tool of choice) to create a dashboard showing meaningful insights. (can also be theoretical and explain how you would create it)

Datasets (100 Rows Each)

Please see the csv folder for the files

Table examples and layout

User Data

UserID Name Age Gender Location Interests PremiumUser SwipesLeft SwipesRight
1 Alex Johnson 25 Male New York Movies, Hiking Yes 120 80
2 Sara Smith 30 Female Los Angeles Cooking, Travel No 100 50
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Match Data

MatchID UserID1 UserID2 MatchDate MatchedOn MessagesExchanged DateScheduled
1 1 3 2024-01-10 Hiking 10 2024-01-15
2 2 4 2024-01-12 Travel 15 2024-01-20
... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Geographical Data

LocationID City Region AvgAge AvgIncome ActiveUsers
1 New York Northeast 27 75000 1200
2 Los Angeles West Coast 29 85000 900
... ... ... ... ... ...

Subscription Data

SubscriptionID UserID StartDate EndDate PlanType MonthlyCost
1 1 2024-01-01 2024-12-31 Premium 20
2 3 2024-02-01 2024-05-01 Standard 10
... ... ... ... ... ...

Survey Data

UserID SatisfactionScore Feedback RecommendToFriend
1 8 Matches are relevant, premium worth it Yes
2 6 Too few matches in my area No
... ... ... ...


1. Data Cleaning & Transformation

  • Identify and resolve missing or inconsistent data.
  • Combine datasets (e.g., join matches with users and subscription data).
  • Generate derived metrics like EngagementRate = SwipesRight / (SwipesRight + SwipesLeft).

2. Analysis Questions

  • What is the average engagement rate for each location?
  • Which user demographic (age, gender, or location) is most likely to subscribe?
  • What are the top three interests leading to matches?
  • How does satisfaction score correlate with premium subscription?

3. Dashboard Requirements

  • Visualize user engagement by location and demographic.
  • Show satisfaction levels segmented by subscription type.
  • Highlight key interests driving matches.