
Northrop F-5E Tiger II for FlightGear

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 P R E S T E S  H A N G A R  -- http://presteshangar.blogspot.com  --  2009-2010


1. The PRESTES Hangar - Valente Division - work.

This work is under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Check LICENSE.txt file, or http://presteshangar.blogspot.com, or http://presteshangar.wikidot.com/start, for more information about license. 

(CC) 2010 Isaias V. Prestes (PRESTES Hangar)

1.2 Zexe Contribution December 7th, 2010.

December 14th, 2010:
-With the help of Buckaroo, the f5e.ac is now loadable in Blender.
-Fixed nozzle and nozzleneck texture.
-Animated wheels.
-Fixed here and there polygons.
-Added a new model called BlackChrome, loosely based on the Top Gun Mig 28.

December 7th, 2010:

-Scaled lights down.
-Added Dave's Altimeter.
-Changed canopy key binding to 'c' and fixed syntax.  In the previous version, the canopy could not change direction mid-way through, now the canopy can open and close whenever.
-Added turbine texture.
-Added new animated afterburner plumes.
-Added reheat, turbine when afterburners are on.
-Modified wing area and wing span so that the F5E Tiger II is controllable for stable landings.
-Added chute.  'd' deploys, 'j' jettison.  Chutes are carried over the MP network.  Chutes can only be deployed once.
-Removed old radar and added a non-functioning model radar.  Something weird happens with FG 2.0 Model View and Radar when radar is functioning.  Therefore radar has been disabled.
-Added new sounds: borrowed from the Eurofighter (gear up, gear down, gear not down, fuel low).  
-Added new sounds: Exceeding 7Gs will initiate a mimick of the Hick maneuver, and coming down below 5Gs will initiate heavy breathing.
-Added customized HUD for F5E Tiger II.  'shift + i' will bring it about.  Target markers are enabled.  Note: The modified HUD is made with the New HUD configuration. Also Gs and AoA are in the HUD, please don't get them confused.
-Sonic boom:  Shock wave added.  For best effect, watch in Fly-by View.
-Shortened the length of the condensation trail on the wing tip.
-New Splash screen, thanks to Michat.

To- Do:

-Animate the wheels spinning.
-Get a functioning radar.
-Texture the inside of the cockpit.
-Create a F5E Tiger II model without the FuelTank load.

1.1 PRESTES Hangar - Valente Division - work

- FDM ( F-5E.xml )
- F-5E-set.xml
- splash.png
- J85-GE-21B.xml
- Fuselage textures (livery system)
- Instruments (from others GPLed FG models)
- f5e.ac panel parts and other addictions.

2. The Daveエs Culp Northrop F-5E Tiger II version 0.1

    * Northrop F-5E Tiger II
    * Source: Converted from a freeware Alpha Simulations model.
    * License: "CC-BY-NC-SA"
    * Compatibility: FlightGear 1.9.x
    * Coming soon.
    * Download preview (very alpha) version: F-5E.tar.gz

3. Original Splash image

Splash screen imagem (C) J. A. Moraes.

The Northrop F-5E Tiger II

The Northrop F-5A/B Freedom Fighter and F-5E/F Tiger II are part of a family of widely used light supersonic fighter aircraft, designed and built by Northrop in the United States, beginning in 1960s. Hundreds remain in service in air forces around the world in the early 21st Century, and the type has also been the basis for a number of other aircraft.
The F-5 started life as a privately-funded light fighter program by Northrop in the 1950s. The first generation F-5A Freedom Fighter entered service in the 1960s. Over 800 were produced through 1972 for U.S. allies during the Cold War. The USAF had no need for a light fighter, but it did specify a requirement for a supersonic trainer and procured about 1,200 of a derivative airframe for this purpose, the T-38 Talon.
The improved second-generation F-5E Tiger II was also primarily used by American Cold War allies and, in limited quantities, served in US military aviation as a training and aggressor aircraft; Tiger II production amounted to 1,400 of all versions, with production ending in 1987. Many F-5s continuing in service into the 1990s and 2000s have undergone a wide variety of upgrade programs to keep pace with the changing combat environment. The F-5 was also developed into a dedicated reconnaissance version, the RF-5 Tigereye.
The F-5 serves as a starting point for a series of design studies which resulted in the twin-tailed Northrop YF-17 and the F/A-18 series of carrier-based fighters. The F-20 Tigershark was an advanced version of the F-5E that did not find a market. The F-5N/F variants remain in service with the United States Navy as an adversary trainer.[4]

SOURCE : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northrop_F-5


Varsion alpha - 0.0.4 04/07/2010
		- New views, lights set, no limits version.
Version alpha - 0.0.3 04/03/2010
		- FDM improvements, nose gear animation for strut extension, revised nose gear, revised nose_lift.xml system file and livery over MP fixed.
Version alpha - 0.0.2 20/12/2009
		- FDM improvements, instrument texture and minor 3d model fixes.
Version alpha - 0.0.1 16/12/2009
		- First presentation. Added panel, refueling, livery support, FDM improvements, -set.xml addictions and a realistic 3d panel.

Developed by Prestes Hangar, Valente division. Avaliable at http://presteshangar.blogspot.com or http://presteshangar.wikidot.com/start


Unpack this .zip file using TUGZip in FLIGHTGEAR_BASE_DIRECTORY\Data\Aircraft

Best regards,

Prestes Hangar



1. O trabalho do PRESTES Hangar - Divis縊 Valente.

Este trabalho est・sob a licen軋 Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported. Veja o arquivo LICENSE.txt, ou http://presteshangar.blogspot.com, or http://presteshangar.wikidot.com/start, para mais informa鈬o sobre a licen軋. 

(CC) 2009 Isaias V. Prestes (PRESTES Hangar)

1.1 O trabalho do PRESTES Hangar - Valente Division

- FDM ( F-5E.xml )
- F-5E-set.xml
- splash.png
- J85-GE-21B.xml
- Fuselage textures (livery system)
- Instruments (de outros modelo GPLed do FG)
- f5e.ac partes do painel

2. O Northrop F-5E Tiger II de Dave Culp vers縊 0.1

    * Northrop F-5E Tiger II
    * Origem: Convertido de um modelo Alpha Simulations freeware.
    * Licen軋: "CC-BY-NC-SA"
    * Compatibilidade: FlightGear 1.9.x

3. Splash image

Imagem de apresenta鈬o de Sotomayor, sob a licen軋 Creative Commons, original em "Treino da For軋 A駻ea Brasileira" http://www.flickr.com/photos/59098052@N00/3831383541

O Northrop F-5E Tiger II

O Northrop F-5E Tiger II ・um ca軋 t疸ico de defesa a駻ea e ataque ao solo. O F-5E (vers縊 mais potente do F-5A Freedom Fighter) tornou-se um dos avis mais operados no mundo. A variante original F-5A foi testada em combate no Vietn・ no Programa Skoshi Tiger. O F-5E ・extremamente manobr疱el e r疳ido, constituindo-se um excelente avi縊 para combates a駻eos.

Recentemente, a FAB (For軋 A駻ea Brasileira) deu in兤io a um programa de aquisi鈬o e moderniza鈬o de seus F-5E que passar縊 para o padr縊 F-5EM. A revitaliza鈬o dos 47 ca軋s, dever・custar em torno de US$ 285 milhs. O motor e c駘ula dos avis permanecer縊 os mesmos, mas a sua eletrica (HUD, radar e painel de controle) ser縊 extremamente modificados.

Atualmente, foram comemorados os 30 anos de servi輟 da aeronave na For軋 A駻ea Brasileira, sendo que um exemplar recebeu uma pintura comemorativa especial, representando um tigre.

O Tigre no Brasil (FAB)

No Brasil, a histia do F-5 iniciou na pr疸ica em mar輟 de 1975, por駑, ele esteve cotado para equipar a FAB desde 1965, em sua vers縊 F-5A/B. Em 1967, ele foi novamente cogitado, desta vez como vetor do projeto SISDACTA. A prefer麩cia era para o F-4 Phantom, mas este foi vetado pelos americanos, que em contrapartida ofereceram o F-5C (vers縊 proposta pela Northrop com melhorias baseadas no relatio de avalia鈬o feito no Vietn・.
O impasse norte-americano favoreceu os franceses, tendo a FAB adquirido 16 Dassault Mirage III. Numa nova disputa internacional, realizada a partir de 1971 para substituir os AT-33A, na qual participaram o Fiat G-91, MB-326K, Harrier Mk-50, Jaguar GR1 e A-4F, saiu vencedor o ca軋 da Northrop, agora em sua vers縊 F-5E. Come軋va a longa histia de sucesso do Tiger II na FAB, que continua at・hoje e ainda deve durar at・2018.
A FAB recebeu 6 F-5B (FAB 4800 a 4805), 4 F-5F (FAB 4806 a 4809) e 58 F-5E (FAB 4820 a 4877) que foram adquiridos em dois lotes distintos. O primeiro lote em 1973, direto da f畸rica (06 F-5B + 36 F-5E), ao valor de US$ 115 milhs e o segundo lote, em 1988, ex-USAF (04 F-5F e 22 F-5E), ao custo total de US$ 13,1 milhs. As primeiras aeronaves da "Opera鈬o Tigre", como ficou conhecido o translado do primeiro lote, foram entregues a partir de 28 de fevereiro de 1975 em Palmdale. Eram 3 F-5B, que chegaram ao Brasil no dia 06 de mar輟 do mesmo ano, sendo seguidos de outros 3 F-5B em 13 de maio. Em 12 de junho de 1975, chegavam os primeiros 4 F-5E ・BAGL, dando in兤io a uma ponte a駻ea que s・terminaria em 12 de fevereiro do ano seguinte, totalizando 36 aeronaves.
Em 1985, depois de muito procurar, chegou-se a um acordo com o governo Reagan, que aceitou negociar 4 F-5F e 22 F-5E, que sairiam das fileiras da USAF, a um custo de US$ 13,1 milhs, uma bagatela. Por volta de Setembro de 2006, especulava-se a aquisi鈬o de 9 aeronaves F-5E Tiger II, usadas da Ar畸ia Saudita, sendo 6 F-5E e 3 F-5F. Esta compra, entretanto, n縊 foi adiante, vindo a For軋 A駻ea Brasileira a adquirir um lote de aeronaves pertencentes ・Real For軋 A駻ea da Jord穗ia. No total foram compradas 11 aeronaves, sendo 8 F-5E monoplaces e 3 F-5F biplaces. As primeiras aeronaves vindas da Jord穗ia chegaram no Brasil em 19 agosto de 2008 e foram enviadas ao Parque de Material da Aeron疼tica de S縊 Paulo (PAMA-SP). Todas os F-5 ex-Jord穗ia dever縊 ser convertidos para o padr縊 F-5EM e F-5FM.

FONTE : http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northrop_F-5E_Tiger_II


Vers縊 alpha - 0.0.4 04/07/2010
		- Novas cameras, configura鈬o de luzes, disponibilidade de uma vers縊 sem limites estruturais.
Vers縊 alpha - 0.0.3 04/03/2010
		- Melhorias no FDM, anima鈬o do trem dianteiro para estrutura de extens縊, trem dianteiro revisado, revis縊 do nose_lift.xml e corre鈬o da troca de pinturas no MP.
Vers縊 alpha - 0.0.2 20/12/2009
		- Melhorias no FDM, corre鋏es na textura de instrumento e modelo 3d.
Vers縊 alpha - 0.0.1 16/12/2009
		- Primeira apresenta鈬o do trabalho. Adicionado painel 3d real﨎tico, capacidade de reabastecimento em v (REVO), suporte livery selection, melhorias no FDM e adi鋏es ao -set.xml.

Desenvolvido pelo Prestes Hangar. Dispon咩el em  http://presteshangar.blogspot.com ou http://presteshangar.wikidot.com/start


Descompacte o arquivo .zip usando o programa TUGZip na pasta PASTA_BASE_DO_Flightgear\Data\Aircraft

Meus cumprimentos, bons voos,

Prestes Hangar

 P R E S T E S  H A N G A R  -- http://presteshangar.blogspot.com  --  2010