
Elegant state machine for Swift.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Elegant state machine for Swift.


Also check out for sister project: SwiftTask


enum MyState: StateType {
    case State0, State1, State2
    case AnyState   // create case=Any

    static func convertFromNilLiteral() -> MyState { return AnyState }
let machine = StateMachine<MyState, MyEvent>(state: .State0) { machine in

    machine.addRoute(.State0 => .State1)
    machine.addRoute(nil => .State2) { context in println("Any => 2, msg=\(context.userInfo!)") }
    machine.addRoute(.State2 => nil) { context in println("2 => Any, msg=\(context.userInfo!)") }

    // add handler (handlerContext = (event, transition, order, userInfo))
    machine.addHandler(.State0 => .State1) { context in
        println("0 => 1")

    // add errorHandler
    machine.addErrorHandler { (event, transition, order, userInfo) in
        println("[ERROR] \(transition.fromState) => \(transition.toState)")

// tryState 0 => 1 => 2 => 1 => 0
machine <- .State1
machine <- (.State2, "Hello")
machine <- (.State1, "Bye")
machine <- .State0  // fail: no 1 => 0

println("machine.state = \(machine.state)")

This will print:

0 => 1
Any => 2, msg=Hello
2 => Any, msg=Bye
[ERROR] 1 => 0
machine.state = 1

For more examples, please see XCTest cases.


  • Easy Swift syntax
    • Transition: .State0 => .State1
    • Try transition: machine <- .State1
    • Try transition + messaging: machine <- (.State1, "GoGoGo")
    • Try event: machine <-! .Event1
  • Highly flexible transition routing
    • using Condition
    • using AnyState (nil state)
    • or both (blacklisting): nil => nil + condition
  • Success/Error/Entry/Exit handlers with order: UInt8 (no before/after handler stuff)
  • Removable routes and handlers
  • Chaining: .State0 => .State1 => .State2
  • Event: machine.addRouteEvent("WakeUp", transitions); machine <-! "WakeUp"


Term Class Description
State StateType (protocol) Mostly enum, describing each state e.g. .State0.
Event StateEventType (protocol) Name for route-group. Transition can be fired via Event instead of explicitly targeting next State.
Machine StateMachine State transition manager which can register Route and Handler separately for variety of transitions.
Transition StateTransition From- and to- states represented as .State1 => .State2. If nil is used for either state, it will be represented as .AnyState.
Route StateRoute Transition + Condition.
Condition Transition -> Bool Closure for validating transition. If condition returns false, transition will fail and associated handlers will not be invoked.
Handler HandlerContext -> Void Transition callback invoked after state has been changed.
Chain StateTransitionChain Group of continuous routes represented as .State1 => .State2 => .State3

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