lite-json-editor (Vue 3)

A lightweight json formatter/editor for Vue 3


The San Juan Mountains are beautiful!


Vue 3

npm i lite-json-editor


<script setup>
    import { ref } from 'vue'
    import LiteJsonEditor from 'lite-json-editor'

    const value = ref()

    <LiteJsonEditor v-model="value" />


Name Description Type Default
v-model binding value Object, String, null
indent json indent Number 3
dark dark mode Boolean false
withoutEdit disable editing Boolean false
withoutError disable error trigger Boolean false
formatting color formatting Object


This component provides a slot if you need to modify the error display behavior

    <LiteJsonEditor v-model="value">
        <img src="/example-error-icon.svg" />


Default colors are

  • #a9dc76 #a9dc76 - number
  • #84aecc #84aecc - braces
  • #d26a6a #d26a6a - brackets
  • #4f4f4f #4f4f4f - colon
  • #f8c33b #f8c33b - comma
  • #5f9fca #5f9fca - string
  • #e393ff #e393ff - string_quotes
  • #ff6188 #ff6188 - key
  • #fc9867 #fc9867 - key_quotes
  • #cccccc #cccccc - null
  • #8ccf79 #8ccf79 - true
  • #e69fc2 #e69fc2 - false

If you want to modify any of those values pass a formatting object containing key: color pairs of your desired changes

    <LiteJsonEditor v-model="value" :formatting="{ 'number': '#e3e3e3' }" />