2b2t Player Database


Sup. I created this database by scraping 2b2t.dev for their player list and last seen data. All credit to that data goes to them, I simply aggregated the data into an easily searchable database. Currently, there are 457,768 players with 238,858 corresponding last seen dates. I do not currently have any join data, that is not public to my knowledge. This data was scraped across 12/5-12/6/2021, therefore it is already out of date by the time you read this. However, it's here, I'll be playing around with this data set and others to see what I can come up with. Any updates will be noted below, for now this is all I've got.

TO DOWNLOAD THE DB: CLICK HERE. Due to Github limitations (and I can't be arsed to use GLFS) the file is too big to easily host here.

Database Usage

The database is a .accdb file for Microsoft Access. There are tools/ways out there to convert this to a MySQL, SQLite, or otherwise a different database format/management suite. There are three tables, players, last seen, and signs data. The player table holds username, UUID, joins/leaves, kills/deaths. The last seen table should be self explanatory, holding username and last seen data. Those tables are linked using username as primary keys. The signs data table holds all sign data within 50k blocks of spawn.

There is a form called 2b2t Player Data, double click on it and enter a username to query the players and last seen tables for username, UUID, last seen, kills, deaths, joins, and leaves. There is also a report called 2b2t Sign Search. Once again, double click and enter your text query, and a report of all signs containing your search will be generated, along with their respective coordinates. You can save either form/report as a text file, excel file, HTML doc, etc. All player data except last seen is from 2018, last seen is from Dec 2021, sign data is from about 2019-2020.

You are more than welcome to host this database elsewhere, I hope to create a much easier way of accessing the data soon (web page w/ simple search + clean results output).

Data Notes

This data is accurate from 2018ish onward. I do not know the exact date, but if you're an old player and the data seems off, especially if you haven't been active, that's probably why. If anyone has parts or the whole of this data preceding that date, please contact me: megasteel32@gmail.com 2b2t is an anarchy server that has been operating for almost a decade. Some people say or build things that aren't exactly PC (or even close). For example, the "hard r" is in the top 30 common words found in the signs data table. In the spirit of documentation and data integrity, I have not removed any content from any of the databases. I CANNOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT OTHERS HAVE SAID, WRITTEN OR BUILT. Please, do NOT download or visit anything that may contain things that you might find offensive.

Signs Tableau Visualization

Click Here to visit a Tableau visualization of the same sign data. You can hover over the dots to show the same data as in the database. Use the tools on the left to zoom and pan.

Future Data Inclusion

I am currently gathering additional data about different factions on 2b2t, such as specific players in each and hope to create a visual of which faction has the best K/D or cool visualizations like that. Check back here for more updates.