Rozgaar Job Search App for Blue Collar Workers

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❓ Problem Statement

  • Make a job-search platofrm for Blue Collar Workers.

Note : SMS can be sent to only Twilio verified numbers as I am not using the paid service.

🚧 Technology Stack

  • Server Enviornment - NodeJS
  • Framework - ExpressJS
  • Frontend - ReactJS, HTML, CSS, Javascript
  • Database - MongoDB
  • Cloud database service - MongoDB Atlas
  • Module to send emails - NodeMailer
  • SMS sending - Twilio
  • Deployment - Heroku

⬇️ Installation

  • First, fork this repository 🍴 and follow the given instructions:
# clone the repository to your local machine
$ git clone `git clone<YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME>/Rozgaar-Blue-Collars-Job-Seach-Platform-Frontend.git`

# navigate to the project's directory and install all the relevant dev-dependencies
$ cd Rozgaar-Blue-Collars-Job-Seach-Platform-Frontend && npm intsall

# Start application
$ npm start

# Make requests on http://localhost:3030/ from Postman


I have identified 9 categories of job-seekers to make the platform more intuitive and simple.

  • Electrician
  • Plumber
  • Labour
  • Driver
  • Maid
  • Security guard
  • Cook
  • Peon
  • Mechanic

For Job Seeker

  1. Register
  2. Update Profile
  3. Apply on jobs - just by clicking - as simple as that.
  4. The applicant gets an SMS on his/her phone number after applying to a job. SMS TO APPLICANT

For Job Poster

  1. Post Jobs
  2. Get applications on your posted jobs and shortlist.
  3. Ease the flow for both parties
    • Job Seekers Profiles will be available all throughout, Recruiters can directly see their profiles and give them a message/call
  4. Job Poster gets an email when someone applies on a job posted by him/her. MAIL TO RECRUITER

Problems in Existing Solutions

  • Little Less user friendly for maybe not so literate people
  • Complicated Process - Blue Collars dont have a resume.
  • All in English
  • Lack of Support on chat/call

Pending Tasks

  • Unit Tests - Due to shortage of time, I couldn't write many unit-test.
  • Login Sessions and Dashboard of Applications

Additional Features to be added after Hackathon:

  • Multi-lingual
  • Filters according to location, salary etc.
  • Stars/Reviews for job seekers
  • Register by calling also (for job seekers) - simply call on a support number and automated clicks on phone