
intelligent traffic light system

Primary LanguagePython

SmartCity Project

This deals with solving growing traffic congestion issues using dynamic allocation of lights based on waiting time, rate of flow of cars as a measure of congestion using basic round robin method of scheduling

Problem Statement

Designing the scheduling of the traffic light such that it dynamically assigns the proportionate duration of green time based on the current congestion of the respective lanes.

Design of the algorithm

Approach to the Algorithm

For each cycle, Take the picture of the respective line and find the number of the cars Calculate the ratio of congestion between the lanes Choose a suitable K(Restricted to the number of vehicle in the lanes)

The so obtained green duration is said to be initial green initialGreen = numOfCars( i )/(totalNumCars) * K

The above parameter can also be called static parameter (Doesn’t considers the inflow to the lane ) To add the factor of dynamism we have decided to consider the inflow parameter, which counts the number of the cars that inflowed to a particular lane when it was waiting for its chance to be green, i.e (inflow/waitTime)

Since this dynamic addition of this parameter to the previous one gives us the final green duration of a particular line dynamicParameter = inflow( i )/sum(inflow) * waittime

The above parameter adds the additional green duration in a proportionate way as it considers the inflow of the other lanes in the denominator ( example, 3 lines A B C If inflow of C > B quantum allocated to B will be less as it includes C’s and A’s inflow which is inversely proportional to the B’s dynamic parameter(includes in the denominator))

Final equation would be G = Initialgreen + dynamicParameter G = (numberofCarLane( i )/totalNumberOfCars)*k + ((inflow( i )/Sum(inflow))*waitingTime( i))