
This is sample junit + selenium project using JAVA.

Primary LanguageJava


This is sample JUnit + maven project in Java. It shows how to upload test result file on JIRA instance using QMetry for JIRA - Test Management.

Run test

please update these details in pom.xml file.

Step 1: Add the following to the <build> -> <plugins> block in your pom.xml:
Step 2: Add the following to the <pluginRepositories> block in pom.xml:
		<name>QMetry Test Manager Maven Repository</name>
Step 3: Add qmetry.properties file to root directory of your project
Configure below properties:
automation.qmetry.enabled = true
automation.qmetry.url = https://importresults.qmetry.com/prod/importresults-qtm4j
automation.qmetry.apikey = {{your API key}}
automation.qmetry.filepath = target/surefire-reports/TEST-com.javacodegeeks.examples.junitmavenexample.CalculatorTest.xml
automation.qmetry.testrunname = Test Run
automation.qmetry.labels = lbl1,lbl2
automation.qmetry.components = com1,com2
automation.qmetry.version = v1,v2
automation.qmetry.sprint = sprint1
automation.qmetry.platform = chrome
automation.qmetry.comment = this is test run comment
automation.qmetry.testrunkey = 
automation.qmetry.testassethierarchy = TestCase-TestStep
automation.qmetry.jirafields = 
automation.qmetry.debug = true
if you are using on premise JIRA, then configure below properties as well:
automation.qmetry.authorization=Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=
automation.qmetry.username = admin
automation.qmetry.password = admin	
Once the file is configured, the automation test results will get uploaded automatically whenever the user executes the automation project (e.g. using 'mvn test').

After providing these details, you are ready to start test.

mvn test

It will generate surefile-reports.

Addionally, right after test completion, test result file will be uploaded on your JIRA instance if you have provided correct details in properties file.