
  • Description
  • Tech Stack
  • How To Run?
  • Maintainers


Tech Stack

  1. Front End - JavaFx
  2. Backend - Java OOPs Concepts
  3. Database - MySQL

How To Run?

1. Unzip the folder.
2. Import the project in Eclipse.
3. We have used MySQL in this project so you have to import the provided MYSQL file "furEverHomeDbSQL.sql" in workbench.
4. Import this file as a self-contained sql backup file.
5. This will create necessary tables and database of our aplication.
6. Right click on the "Main.java" class and select "run as configurations".
7. Select the project "FurEverHome".
8. In the "x={arguments}" tab enter "--add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml", click apply.
9. Click Run.