- 3
#87 opened by shenhaibb - 0
[Usage] EXPORT to ONNX
#107 opened by ksv87 - 2
- 5
How to train
#93 opened by PanffeeReal - 4
[BUG] Installation Failure
#106 opened by TomTHChen - 2
#78 opened by andrew-begain - 8
window10 support
#46 opened by eduo97 - 0
#include <THC/THC.h>
#105 opened by hskfn - 0
#104 opened by Ephemeral-rose - 1
- 2
[BUG]Dont support A100 GPU?
#81 opened by Nioolek - 1
How to use cvpods for obb detection[Usage]
#99 opened by BroenLin - 1
Anyone implement yolov5 with cvpods[Usage]
#98 opened by chen-xing1 - 0
- 0
#96 opened by chen-xing1 - 0
#95 opened by chen-xing1 - 2
- 0
The input file for
#94 opened by kinredon - 1
How to do inference on a single image?[Usage]
#91 opened by VladuxRTK - 1
[BUG]运行dense teacher的时候,输入pods_train --dir ., 会出现ValueError: not allowed to raise maximum limit的错误
#92 opened by mary-0830 - 8
- 0
安装问题出现LINK : fatal error LNK1181: 无法打开输入文件
#89 opened by Super-H1 - 0
The models in model zoo are not available
#88 opened by Bruce-GuoS - 4
about inference time
#86 opened by shenhaibb - 15
in experiment dir using pods_train --num-gpus 1, there is an error No module named 'config' [Usage]
#77 opened by JasonGITHUBH - 0
Can you add a CIOU and DIOU module
#85 opened by qyu21490 - 0
[FEATURE] Available docker images
#84 opened by Tianhao-Qi - 1
- 0
[FEATURE] Models for Objects365
#76 opened by sshao0516 - 1
- 1
No module named lvis
#73 opened by kuazhangxiaoai - 3
[BUG] tutorial for cvpods is not avaliable
#67 opened by x-x110 - 2
[BUG]RuntimeError: Error compiling objects for extension, when i compile the cvpods in windows, i get above error, my environment is RTX 2090, cuda 11.1, pytorch 1.8.1
#70 opened by binyisu - 2
[BUG]about auto-assign losses
#71 opened by luweishuang - 5
compiling issue
#55 opened by xiexu0210 - 1
[BUG] bash: pods_train: command not found
#69 opened by sh7jacobi - 0
#68 opened by 2006pmach - 0
[FEATURE]About widerface dataset
#66 opened by SidneyRey - 1
[Usage] how to train model with only one GPU
#65 opened by SidneyRey - 6
- 2
- 3
[BUG] can not train yolov3
#60 opened by lucasjinreal - 1
Problem about fp16
#61 opened by YunhaoLee - 1
How to run training with a single gpu
#59 opened by Dmytro-Shvetsov - 1
- 4
About test model in train mode
#51 opened by www516717402 - 2
[FEATURE] Multi-scale testing support ?
#47 opened by iFighting - 1
tutorial for cvpods is not avaliable
#44 opened by chensnathan - 0
[FEATURE] experiments manager
#45 opened by poodarchu - 2
#40 opened by AlbinZhu