
Graph Convolutional Networks for Text Classification.

Primary LanguagePython


An inofficial PyTorch implementation of Semi-Supervised Classification with Graph Convolutional Networks.


  • citeseer
  • cora
  • pubmed
Dataset Nodes Edges Features Classes #train #val #test
Citeseer 3,327 4,732 3,703 6 120(20 each class) 500(29, 86, 116, 106, 94, 69) 1000(77, 182, 181, 231, 169, 160)
Cora 2,708 5,429 1,433 7 140(20 each class) 500(61, 36, 78, 158, 81, 57, 29) 1000(130, 91, 144, 319, 149, 103, 64)
Pubmed 19,717 44,338 500 3 60(20 each class) 500(98, 194, 208) 1000(180, 413, 407)



A is the adjacency matrix(adding self-loops), D is the degree matrix, X is the features, W is the parameters.


# usage: python train.py --dataset DATASET
python train.py --dataset citeseer


python train.py --dataset cora


python train.py --dataset pubmed


# usage: python evaluate.py --dataset DATASET --checkpoint CHECKPOINT
python evaluate.py --dataset citeseer --checkpoint checkpoints/citeseer/gcn_200.pth

Experiment results

  • Accuracy

    Citeseer(%) Cora(%) Pubmed(%)
    this repo 70.8 82.5 79.2
    paper 70.3 81.5 79.0
  • Accuracy and Loss curve(see experiments/results.png)

    • citeseer

      tensorboard --logdir=experiments/citeseer
    • cora

      tensorboard --logdir=experiments/cora
    • pubmed

      tensorboard --logdir=experiments/pubmed
  • T-SNE Visualization

    • citeseer(see experiments/citeseer_vis.png)

      python visualize.py --dataset citeseer --checkpoint checkpoints/citeseer/gcn_200.pth
    • cora(see experiments/cora_vis.png)

      python visualize.py --dataset cora --checkpoint checkpoints/cora/gcn_200.pth
    • pubmed(see experiments/pubmed_vis.png)

      python visualize.py --dataset pubmed --checkpoint checkpoints/pubmed/gcn_200.pth
  • Dropout and Regularization (results of citeseer for training 200 epoches)

    weight_decay dropout train ac(%) val ac(%) test ac(%)
    5e-3 0.7 90.8 68.4 70.1
    5e-3 0.5 91.7 70.4 71.5
    5e-3 0.2 93.3 71.0 71.8
    5e-3 0.0 94.2 68.8 69.6
    5e-4 0.7 97.5 70.0 70.8
    5e-4 0.5 98.3 70.2 70.8
    5e-4 0.2 98.3 70.8 70.7
    5e-4 0.0 98.3 71.0 71.7
    5e-5 0.7 100.0 67.8 68.3
    5e-5 0.5 100.0 70.6 69.1
    5e-5 0.2 100.0 68.2 69.5
    5e-5 0.0 100.0 67.4 68.0
    0.0 0.7 100.0 68.0 68.0
    0.0 0.5 100.0 68.0 67.6
    0.0 0.2 100.0 63.8 59.7
    0.0 0.0 100.0 64.8 63.6

    Note: Bold parameters represents the parameters in the paper.

  • All GCNLayers with regularization (results of citeseer for training 200 epoches)

    gcn1 gcn2 accuracy(%)
    experiment reg reg 71.9
    paper reg no-reg 70.8
  • Nums of train samples (results of citeseer for training 200 epoches)

    # train samples accuracy(%)
    120 70.8
    240 70.6
    360 71.5