
It's a multichained dapp where users can 🥫 mint an NFT for 0.001 ETH on Ethereum, Arbitrum or Avalanche C-Chain. Users who have registered on ENS can see their's domain name instead of wallet address.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


install node in your system

Instruction on how to run this Project

Clone this project on your system

cd frontend
nom install
npm run dev


cd frontend
yarn dev


It's a multichained dapp where users can 🥫 mint an NFT for 0.001 ETH on Ethereum, Arbitrum or Avalanche C-Chain. Users who have registered on ENS can see their's domain name instead of wallet address.

What it does

This dApp basically mints NFTs for users on Ethereum, Arbitrum and Avalanche C-Chain network. The NFTs are stored on IPFS.

How I built it

The smart contract is built with Solidity, Hardhat, OpenZeppelin and deployed on Ethereum, Arbitrum and Avalanche C-Chain network. For node provider service Quick Node is been used. As for the the frontend Next.js framework and ether.js are been used and Web3Modal is used for set up the wallet. And used pinata to store Imges and metadatas on IPFS.

What I learned

Learned about

  • how to use IPFS
  • next.js framework with ether.js
  • implementation of web3modal
  • Implementing ERC-721 standard etc.

What's next for Generative PFP

There are couple of things that are next for this project e.g.

  • Implementing ERC-4337 Account Abstraction
  • Deploying this project on other EVM & non EVM networks etc.
