bootstrap grid system, Information Architecture, Navigation Bar Design, Icon Fonts, user inputs, Bootstrap display utilities (d-none and d-sm-block classes), Navbar, Breadcrumbs, Bootstrap Buttons, Bootstrap Button Groups, Bootstrap Buttons Checkbox/Radio, Bootstrap Forms, Bootstrap Media Object Classes, Bootstrap Responsive Helpers, Bootstrap Tables, Bootstrap Card, Bootstrap Blockquote, Bootstrap Image Classes, Bootstrap Media Object Classes, Bootstrap Badge, Bootstrap Alerts, Bootstrap Progress, Bootstrap JavaScript Components , Bootstrap JS Data Attributes, Bootstrap Programmatic API, Bootstrap Navs, Bootstrap Tabs, Bootstrap Pills, Bootstrap Tabs Javascript Behavior, Bootstrap Collapse, Bootstrap Accordion , Bootstrap Tooltips, Bootstrap Popovers, Bootstrap Modals, Bootstrap Carousel, JQuery, CSS Preprocessor: Less , CSS Preprocessor: Sass, Less NPM package, Node-sass NPM package, NPM Modules (onchange, parallelshell, rimraf, copyfiles, imagemin-cli, usemin-cli, cssmin, uglifyjs, htmlmin), Grunt Plugins (grunt-contrib-jshint, jshint-stylish, grunt-contrib-copy, grunt-contrib-clean, grunt-usemin, grunt-contrib-concat, grunt-contrib-cssmin, grunt-contrib-htmlmin, grunt-contrib-uglify, grunt-filerev), Gulp Plugins (gulp, gulp-sass, browser-sync, del, gulp-imagemin, gulp-uglify, gulp-usemin, gulp-rev, gulp-clean-css, gulp-flatmap, gulp-htmlmin)
This is a responsive web app for a restaurant. It has been developed using a mobile-first approach. This app will help a restaurant owner to expend his business online.