
A system built with Node.js and Handlebars to keep track of the parcels for a shipment handling company.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Parcel Tracking System

Challenge#1 @University of Winnipeg Code Force.

Challenge Details

Challenge Question


Set up Instructions

  1. If not installed, download and install Node.js
  2. In the desired directory, clone this repo: git clone git@github.com:Meharban-Singh/parcel-tracking-system.git
  3. Change directory into the cloned repo: cd ./parcel-tracking-system
  4. Install all the dependencies: npm install
  5. Run npm start to start the local server.
  6. Create a .env file in the project folder with the connection parameters to the remote MySQL server:
    MYSQL_SERVER_HOST="host name here"
    MYSQL_SERVER_USER="user name here"
    MYSQL_SERVER_PASSWORD="password here"
    MYSQL_SERVER_DB="database name here"