
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

This code was created by Mohamed Abdirazak Adam

the project is written in Python and library called Pygame. This is a simple implementation of the classic Pac-Man game in Python using the Pygame library. The game features a player-controlled Pac-Man character, cookies to collect, power-ups for special abilities, and ghosts to avoid or consume during power-up states.

How to Play: Use arrow keys to navigate Pac-Man through the maze. Collect cookies to earn points. Avoid ghosts, unless you've collected a power-up. Power-ups grant special abilities, allowing Pac-Man to consume ghosts. The game has multiple phases, alternating between chasing and scattering behaviors for the ghosts.

Setup: Install Python (if still needs to be installed). Install Pygame: pip install pygame Run the game: python pacman_game.py

Controls: Arrow Keys: Move Pac-Man Close the game window to exit.

Features: Classic Pac-Man gameplay with a simplified maze. Ghosts with alternating chase and scatter behaviors. Cookies and power-ups to collect. Special abilities for Pac-Man during power-up states. Score tracking and lives system.

Acknowledgments: This game was created as a learning project inspired by the original Pac-Man arcade game.