

An Ansible role to install superset on an Ubuntu distribution.

It was developed in TDD with idempotency checks using the Molecule framework, and with Travis-CI.

Dependencies for development

  • Some dependencies are needed to run molecule, as stated on the ! doc.
    $apt-get update
    $apt-get install gcc python-pip python-vagrant libssl-dev libffi-dev
  • Create a Python environment dedicated for this project, with Conda env for instance.
    $conda create --name ansible_molecule python=2.7 ansible docker molecule
    $source activate ansible_molecule
  • You can then run molecule and test that the build is passing correctly. sudo rights may be necessary.
    $cd superset
    $molecule test || OR || $sudo molecule test.

Ansible role details

The role was built according to the superset installation guildelines from the Apache repository.

  • System dependencies for Superset are installed
  • Pip package dependencies for Superset are installed
    • Some of them are updated through pip.
  • Superset and its database are initialized through the fabmanager.
  • The superset server can be launched.


  • Test idempotency of the fabmanager custom module.
  • Create a superset module.
  • Check idempotency for this superset module.
  • Check health of the superset server after it has been launched.

Missing tests with test-infra

  • Check that the superset database exists after using the fabmanager.
  • Check that it contains a superset user as defined.
  • Check its rights.
  • Check the table it contains according the superset load-examples command.
  • Check health of the superset server after it has been launched.